♟66: Unchained♟

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Warning: Contains major spoilers from the manga! You have been warned once again

Third Person P.O.V.

Mindless and heartless, that's what you genuinely are, a vessel, a passage of power held down by the Founder. The deep voice you love to hear called out your name, but you seem to have ignored it. There was nothing but commandments in your head. 

Defy it, and you will suffer.

"I'll put an end to this world! Lend me your strength." Your steps halted as you stood a foot away from Eren, who was holding Ymir. 

You hated this feeling. You despise how you were trapped and trodden down, stealing any ounce of freedom you have left. All you could see was the cerulean blue light waiting for you to be one with it.

"You're no slave... You're no god... You're just a person... You don't need to serve anyone... You can be the one you choose!" Those words echoed throughout the paths as you found yourself kneeling down in front of Ymir, looking helpless. A gust of sand crawled up to you as chains bound your neck on the ground like a dog.

"Eren! What do you think you're doing!?" Zeke screamed as he ran after Eren to stop him.

"You get to decide. You chose. Stay here for eternity like (Y/n), restrained, or end it all. Look at (Y/n)! She is your creation, right? Don't you want her to run free?"

"Ymir! (Y/n)! What are you doing? Obey my orders! I'm telling you to steal the ability to reproduce from all the subjects of Ymir!! Do it now!" Of all the knowledge Zeke possesses about Titans, he never knew that you would grovel at the feet of the Founder despite having almost equal powers. How he regretted having ever started this story.

"Was it you who led me here? Didn't you bring (Y/n) here countless times?" Eren asked Ymir as she looked at you in pity.

"I am descended from royal blood!" Zeke cried out once again.

"All this time, you must have been waiting for someone for two thousand years." Ymir's eyes glowed bright amethyst as she gritted her teeth, realizing how she was trapped in this domain for two millennia. Tears streamed down her face as your glowing blue eyes slowly darkened.

"(Y/n)!" Zeke screamed as he reaches his hand towards you, but before you could raise your hand out to him, a strong wind pulled you away from him. Your back glowed the same way as the pillar of light as your (e/c) eyes finally saw Zeke, desperately running to get you.

"Zeke!" Your fingertips touched, opening up a memory from when you and Eren spoke back in Liberio.


"Our time has come, huh?" You frowned as your eyes became timid.

"A price we had to pay. To end this bloodshed."

Zeke found himself listening to your conversation with Eren as the two of you sat on the bench. You held your right temples and massaged them with your fingers as beads of sweat trickle down your forehead. He was confused. 

What are they talking about?

"Zeke doesn't know that the reason why Eldians could become Titans was because of my existence. So long as I live along with the Founding Titan you possess, there will always be man-eating monsters. In short, the subjects of Ymir are my children." He couldn't believe what he just heard from you.

Then does that mean she played along with the euthanization plan as well?

"His plan is messed up. It's as if he told you to eradicate your children's race." You chuckled at Eren's response as you leaned back, looking at Zeke like he wasn't there.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now