♕7: New Recruits♕

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

A year has passed since the day they took me under their roof. I was grateful for what they did, especially Erwin, who gave me a good education. They gave me my own room with a bathroom next to it. Their technology seems far behind. I shrugged it off because I was finally able to sleep. Sometimes, I wrote on the journal that Zeke gave and always kept it hidden safely.

Hange Zoe was a big sister to me as she always blabbers about titans. My routine around the Scout Regiment was composed of cleaning, combative activities, lectures, and errands. Lots and lots of errands. I took a cold bath and dried myself as fast as I could because I overslept. I wore my light blue dress that went down below the knees and Hange's white knitted cardigan. I went out of my room and shut the door. I zoomed my way down the mess hall and saw all the scouts eating their breakfast.

"Good morning (Y/n)!" "You overslept again, didn't you?" I heard some of the scouts said while I walked all the way to get my tray of food. "Sleeping is my favorite hobby!" I replied and took my food. After I ate my breakfast, I went to Erwin's office to give the warm tea that I made. I lightly knocked on the door with my left hand.

"Name?" I heard Erwin's voice from the other side of the door. "Errand Girl!" I said and opened the door without waiting for his affirmation. He was organizing his papers on the desks as I made my way towards him.

"I heard you overslept again," Erwin said as I placed the teacup on his desk. "Y-yes, I did, Sir." I stuttered and kept my head low. "That's okay. A kid like you should sleep for more than eight hours, and you always work hard around here. Why don't you go play with other kids?" Erwin said as he takes a sip of the citron tea.

"I like it here, old man," I said and pouted for making me go out and play. "By the way, we have new recruits, so I want you to prepare their extra uniforms and hand them later, alright?" He chuckled at your expression and finished the tea. "Yes, sir!" I gave a salute and left the office.

Later that afternoon, I was asked to bring the extra uniforms to the new recruits whose room was just above my floor.

"Let's clean up." I heard from the new recruits' room as I placed down the basket of clothes. I inhaled and gathered up my strength to carry it on my chest level again. The door was opened, so I went in without knocking. There was a redhead with freckles on her cheeks, a blonde man, and a man with black hair wearing a cleaning bandana on his head. His undercut looks badass. They were occupied with cleaning, so I cleared my throat to grab their attention. They looked down on me as I suddenly felt the social anxiety.

"Huh? A kid serving in the Survey Corps?" The blonde man said with his eyes widened. Damn it! My social anxiety attacks are always out of place! I was at a loss for words. I'm consistently like this when new people are around. I could feel my cheeks heating up as they continued to stare at me, especially the man with a deadpan face.

"Oh my gosh! Look at her blushing cheeks, Furlan! She's so adorable!" The redhead cheered and went near me to pinch my cheeks. "Ahhhhh!" I winced in pain as her fingers pinched my cheeks harder. Help me! "U-uh! Isabel put her down for what we know she might the daughter of any of the scouts here." I heard the Furlan guy said. Isabel released her grip on my cheeks as I caressed my cheeks to ease the pain she brought.

"Here's your extra uniforms." I finally blurted out and gave the basket to Isabel. The guy with a clean undercut picked up one of the light brown jackets and inspected it. "Hey, brat." He monotonously said.

"I'm not a brat." I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he shifted his attention from the jacket to me.

"Tch! It's not clean enough." He said as he looks at his index finger that just rubbed the fabric he was holding. This idiot thinks he could intimidate me. Who does he think he is?

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now