❂27: Blissful Truths❂

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Armin sat beside you with a desolate look on his face. There were too many overwhelming events that happened and puzzling truths that were revealed.

"I know you've got a lot of questions, Armin. Go ahead. I'd answer as honest as I could." You bleakly said as you stare down on the vast lands of trees.

"Why did you hide the fact that you're like Eren?" He reluctantly asked as he looked at your body that was releasing steam.

"The first thing that happened to Eren when everybody found out about his powers was one of the reasons why I hid." You said, making Armin remember how Eren was forced to sleep in a basement and how he got publicly beaten up in court. It didn't take long for Armin to ask another question, knowing what a sharp kid he is.

"Oh... What did you mean with Reiner and Bertolt when you said a deal is a deal?"

"I knew the three of them were Titan-shifters in the first place. I found out during your training. I struck a deal with them. If they could retrieve Eren, I'd give them half the day as a head start before reporting. Plus, I too was looking for him."

"Why would you let them take Eren away?"

"Simple, they can't." Armin looked at you like you were insane because of your contradicting answer. You glanced down at Mikasa, who was still concussed after the blazing heat.

"Erwin, Hange, and you are smart enough to take those two down. That's why they can't take Eren no matter how much force Bertolt and Reiner give. Seeing Mikasa follow him everywhere he goes. It is enough reason to see that it would be impossible for them to take Eren to their hometown." Armin glanced down at Mikasa as he sighed heavily. You knew Mikasa liked Eren, and it doesn't bother you because your attention is on Levi.

"You probably hate me now because I've led countless lives to their deaths just to gain new knowledge about titans when I could've given it to them. But someday, you'll understand, and you'll carry it as a burden." You frowned as you reminded yourself of The Rumbling. A tragic sight you're willing to stop or delay.

After five hours, the sun made the sky reflect an orange tint.

"Eren!" Mikasa screamed as she rose up, causing Armin and you to jump a little. Armin filled her in on what happened as you just listened to them.

"Why does Eren always go somewhere far from us?" Mikasa asked while wrapping her red scarf around her neck. There was a hint of jealousy to what Mikasa said.

"Right, now that you mention it. Eren has always run off on his own to follow (Y/n), leaving us behind." Armin softly said, making you turn around to look at them with a perplexed face.

"He follows me around?" You were confused. Isn't it the other way around? He has the cervical part of the Spine, which is connected to the brain. Shouldn't I be the one that follows him around? It was weird.

"More like the person he first starts looking for every time we meet," Mikasa said with a soft-spoken voice.

"His eyes are always stuck to you like he couldn't function without you," Armin said as you raised your eyebrows to what you're hearing right now.

"All I want is to be by his side. That's all I ask for." You heard Mikasa mumbled quietly. It was audible enough for you to hear, piercing a spear of guilt in your heart. Y/n doesn't really see Eren as someone she could be with for the rest of her life, but rather a little brother she could comfort and listen to all day. Should those feelings change one day, it would break Mikasa.

"I see. You'd burn for Eren, Mikasa." You said with your voice crumbling. What does it feel like to burn for someone? Love the person that hates you? Suffer as you watch them happy?

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