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Third Person P.O.V.

Standing by the port of Paradis with a ship preparing to leave, Eren held Mikasa from behind, caressing her seven-month baby bump. Levi rolled his eyes as he looked at the sight of the young married couple that was expecting.

"Are you two here to rub to my face your public display of affection before I leave this island?" He scoffed and crossed his arms while leaning back on the backrest of his wheelchair. Even with one good working eye, he could clearly see how Eren looks at Mikasa lovingly, and it sickens him.

Eren gulped in fear while Mikasa just chuckled. "We're actually here to ask for your permission."

"You brats are twenty-two. What consent are you even asking for?"

"We actually thought that if the baby would be a girl, we would name her after (Y/n)." Eren reluctantly said as he placed his chin on Mikasa's right shoulder. Levi's eyebrows raised in surprise at how they wanted to name their child in honor of you.

His stoic face softened as he beamed a minuscule smile to the young couple. "I'm sure (Y/n) will love it."

"It's time to go, Mr. Levi!" Falco called out while Gabi held the wheelchair handle.

"Guess this where we part ways."

"Have a safe trip, Corporal." The two of them said to which Levi responded with a nod. Onyankopon, Falco, Gabi, and Levi went on the deck waving goodbye to them as the ship started moving.

Before it could even get far, a raven flew towards Levi, dropping a jasmine flower crown on his head. It immediately flapped its wings away from him and unto the horizon, leaving the three of his companions confused.

The raven-haired soldier took the accessory off his crown and examined it. It put a smile on his face remembering what you said back when you were eleven years old.

"I was going to give you a flower crown after your expedition-"

"That brat." He smirked before running his thumbs on the petals.

The four of them set off to the mundane where you used to bring Gabi and Falco

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The four of them set off to the mundane where you used to bring Gabi and Falco. On a beautiful hillside filled with vast greenery, there stood a humble teashop with a few houses, unharmed and untouched from the Rumbling that occurred three years ago. A clear running river was just a few yards away, so water wouldn't be a problem.

"She really kept this place safe, huh?" Gabi remarked as Onyankopon and Falco sat Levi on the bench placed in front of the teashop.

"(Y/n) did leave us the deed to the houses and this shop just in case the past owners are still alive," Onyankopon said as he took out an envelope for his briefcase.

"Get cleaning, you brats," Levi muttered as he tried to fish out the bronze you left him from his left back pocket. Before he could even hand it to anyone, he heard the doorknob clicking open. He looked at Onyankopon in confusion as he pulled out the key.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now