✵32: Sweet Deception✵

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Warning: Molestation, Maltreatment, and Drugs. Nasty stuff that readers may find uncomfortable

 Nasty stuff that readers may find uncomfortable

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Third Person P.O.V.

[Y/N] were wearing and black hooded cloak at Trost District, waiting for Levi's next command. Standing behind a chimney with Nifa, the both of you kept watch of the wagon where Eren and Historia are. Armin and Jean were the decoys of this mission. The wagon was halted because the crowd that was lining up take rations from the king.

Levi swiftly arrived and kept his head down as he eyes down the wagon. You didn't stay with Eren and Historia in a wagon because it would have been an easy way to capture their target.

"Nifa, (Y/n), have the both of you heard about Kenny The Ripper?" Levi monotonously said.

"The mass murderer of the capital? The one who slit the throats of over 100 Military Police?" Nifa asked.

"Isn't that an urban legend?" You asked and gave a perplexed look on Levi, whose dull eyes seem worried.

"He is real, and the stories are true. I lived with him for a while when I was a kid." Levi muttered as you averted your gaze back to the wagon. Levi felt somebody's presence from behind and suddenly pushed his head low.

"Nifa!" You shouted, but the sound gunshots followed. Nifa was shot in the head as you and Levi took cover behind a tower of the roof. Another gunshot echoed, followed by a body falling down. You looked at Levi whose eyes widened as he prepared his blades. You were leaning your back on the cement, keeping your balance on the roof.

"Hey, Levi! Are you all grown up already?" An old man's voice said with his footsteps echoing. You heard metal clanking as you unsheathed your blades. Out of nowhere, you saw the man aiming his gun at the both of you as he swings with a different type of gear. Levi threw his blade at Kenny but was able to protect himself and tried shooting at him but missed. You were about to engage in a fight when something was injected into your neck.

Feeling drowsy, your body felt heavy as you lost consciousness.

"KENNY!" Levi screamed as he dodged bullets that were shot at him and tried to catch your body that was falling off the roof. Before he could do so, one of Kenny's goons snatched your body and swung all the way to the wagon, where Eren and Historia are also tranquilized.

Levi rapidly escaped Kenny and his goons, making a short stopover at a pub. Shit, if this keeps up, I'll lose my team, Eren, Historia, and mostly (Y/n). Levi thought as he wiped away the blood dripping on his left eye. He hid behind the bartender's counter before Kenny barged in, talking like a drunk uncle in a family reunion.

"I never thought you'd still be alive. What happened to slaughtering the Military Police? Now you're one of them." Levi said calmly.

"Adults do plenty of things a kid like you can't understand. Oh, no. My bad. You're just so tiny. It's hard to believe you're older now. I've been looking forward to seeing you in action. I never thought all those tricks I taught you would be helping you out like this, especially when it comes to hooking up with a whore." Kenny mockingly said, but Levi kept his cool as he waited for the right moment to attack. He kept babbling as Levi went with the flow of their conversation.

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