♟69: Freedom♟

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Third Person P.O.V.

Everybody was dead silent on the plane ride for an hour as the sound of the plane's turbulence echoed within. Altogether devastated by the sight of a battalion of Colossal Titans. There was no time for mourning as the world is slowly being wiped away. 

Armin, the new commander, drew out a plan to stop Eren, but still wanted to talk to him no matter what. They set Armin's Titan as a last resort if a negotiation never happened.

"I'm fine with us having a last resort, but Eren's controlling the Founding Titan through Zeke and (Y/n), right? Can't we stop the rumbling if we just went and killed Zeke?" Levi blurted, still adamant to have Zeke killed rather than you.

"You know you might be right." Armin agreed.

"I'm not certain but that's what Hange predicted. We don't know Zeke's location either. Then we just have to find that furry bastard inside those bones. I'll stop Zeke. Just lend me your strength." Pieck looked down on her hands clasped together as she recalled one of those nights you stayed over her place. She was a curious warrior after seeing the magnificence of your Titan with ram horns like a devil.

"(Y/n)'s Titan always submitted to whoever has the Founding Titan and royal blood since the cervical part of the Spine that gave Ymir power was split in half. I've always wondered if she is already one with other half would that mean she's the one fully controlling the Founding Titan and this army of Colossal Titans?" She asked and looked at Armin who seems to know more than they do.

"I don't know, but if (Y/n) has completed the puzzle then that means no one is bounding her. She has domination to all the titan shifters and Eldians but why isn't she doing so?"

"Are you saying she's choosing not to interfere with us?" Pieck asked as Levi carefully listened.

"Yes, she's letting us act freely. Almost as if she's testing us through Eren and see what we'll do." He reluctantly answered.


Boundless sand and a pillar of cerulean blue light with branches on top stood before them. Everybody was in shock with the place as they realized that you has summoned them in your domain once again.

"The brat heard us, didn't she?" He muttered as they looked around and saw nothing but the stars lighting up the sky.

"(Y/n)! Eren! Please! Listen to us! You guys have done enough! I'm sure that no one is going lay a finger on Paradis for centuries to come now! That's just how much fear and destruction you've brought!" Armin screamed on top of his lungs as he called you, hoping you would heed his words. 

"You don't have to kill anyone else the island is fine now!! We were wrong! We're sorry (Y/n) for pushing you to kill our comrades because you wanted to stop this massacre!"

Jean held back his tears as he wanted you back to that caring Lance Corporal who wanted them to become brave soldiers "(Y/n)! I'm sorry for detesting you! I know the truth! You didn't kill Marco and you care so much about him! Eren! We'll figure out the rest from here." 

Connie did the same and finally understood what it felt like to be in Eren's shoes.

"Eren... I want to share the burden of your sins with you. We're all guilty of the same sins. So please... stop avoiding us like this." Mikasa's voice was shaking as she misses the old Eren. 

"Please, come back to us."

"(Y/n), look I'm sorry for giving up on you so easily when I failed to understand the bigger picture that you're struggling with. I don't want to end everything with us still not talking and clearing anything. Eren, stop now and I'll let you off with an ass-kicking." His voice still monotonous but words were heartfelt, yet no answer came.

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