❂29: Mental Dishonesty❂

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Hadassah." You fluttered your eyes slowly as you looked up to see your grandmother sitting beside you while carrying a baby in her arms. Is that me? You thought.

"Yes, mother?"

"Remember this everyday...don't let your...in contact with a Fritz...or an Ackermann...The Rumbling...hell will break loose..."

"Zeke!" You abruptly rose up from your slumber as you heavily breathed. You calmed down a bit as you looked around and found yourself in a room alone. It's just a dream, right? Massaging your temples as you mentally cussed for being careless. The memories from yesterday flooded in as you pulled yourself back down on the bed.

Why wasn't I able to transform at once yesterday? Your eyes were focused on the ceiling as you raised your right hand, reaching on nothingness. Why was Eren able to control my metamorphosis?

At the headquarters' courtyard, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Jean were prattling on what happened yesterday.

"On our way back, the Titans completely ignored us and ran off to chase Reiner and others after (Y/n) screeched. As for that, Jean and I sat down to try and figure it out." Armin said as Eren's eyebrows were raised in anticipation. Armin moved closer to Eren to state his theory.

"We might know what made the Titans and (Y/n) act that way. It was you." Eren's jaw dropped upon hearing what Armin said.

"Of course, that's just our theory. But without assuming that, there's just no explaining what happened. It's a tough spot to be in, Eren. Whether or not all those people died for nothing...it all depends on you." Jean said while staring down at Eren with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let's go visit (Y/n). She might have answers to all this mess," Mikasa said as she rose up and went to your quarters,

You stood by the window staring down at the courtyard as the light breeze brushed your (s/c) skin. There was an empty feeling in your heart, longing for someone. Perhaps the game of life and death that you were playing was starting to get to you. Maybe you should've joined Zeke and ran away across the sea. That way, none of your comrades would be suffering, and the game you're playing would be over.

The door opened, snapping you off of your thoughts. Mikasa walked in with a tray of food followed by Armin, Eren, and Jean.

"You're awake." Mikasa softly said as she placed the tray of food on the table beside the bed. You just glanced at them for a second and reverted your gaze outside the window, not uttering a single word.

"You should eat," Armin said as he stood beside you. "I'm not hungry..." you mumbled and went to bed. Jean was sitting on a chair next to your bed while Mikasa and Eren sat on the couch on the other side. An awkward silence filled the room, and you proceeded to break it.

"I know you got questions. Please, ask away." You bleakly said as you leaned on the bedframe and hugged your pillow to your chest.

"Eat while answering our question. We don't want to interrogate you with an empty stomach." Jean teased as he took the bowl of vegetable soup and spoon across the bedside. He scooped a spoonful and raised the spoon to feed you.

"I could do it myself." You said while glaring at Jean. "C'mon, my arm is getting tired." He said, forcing you to open your mouth to eat. You rolled your eyes at him as you chewed your food.

"Very good." He said and patted your head like a dog. "Horseshit," you cussed underneath your breath for treating you as a child. Mikasa and Armin lightly chuckled at how Jean fed you while Eren crossed his arms, glaring at Jean in jealousy.

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