♕8: Promises♕

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Third Person P.O.V.

On your way back to the headquarters, Isabel went ahead to meet up with Furlan and Levi while you went to the kitchen to make yourself tea. Since you were still a bit short to heat up a pot of water, you asked Petra to do it for you.

"Are you going to make one of those ginger or citron tea?" Petra asked as she filled the metal pot while you were opened the jar of dry black tea leaves from the counter. "I'm in the mood for black tea because it goes well with meat after dinner." You said as you handed a cup of tea leaves to Petra to be put in the water.

"That should be enough for everyone later." You said as you returned the jar and prepared the teacups. "Does that include the new recruits?" She asked, which made gesture a shrug.

"I won't drink black tea tonight. It's too caffeinated for my age." You said as you pointed at the jar of sugar on the cupboards. Petra reached for it and opened it for you. You only gave a half-cup of sugar so it won't be too sweet but only to diminish the excess bitterness. All those recipes you have were from Zeke's grandmother, who has an exceptional love for tea. Making some for the people who rescued you was the way for you to return the favor.

"I'm curious, (Y/n)," Petra politely asked as she checked the water on the pot if the tea was boiling. You raised your head to look at her with anticipation. "You think maturely for a seven-year-old kid, and you're even entrusted with delivering confidential papers to different offices. Why is that?" She asked and looked at you with her sweet smile. You remained silent for some seconds because you don't want to blow your cover.

"I do hate being around kids my age because they're eccentric and noisy. Maybe it's because I woke up one day to find myself just walking forward." You quietly said and glanced at the teapot that was ready to be served. "You were forced to mature because of your situation," Petra mumbled and poured the tea on each cup. Dinner was provided, and the tea was served. You sat on the same table as Hange, followed by Isabel, who sat beside you, Furlan, and lastly Levi, who sat across you. Out of all the tables, he could sit in.

Hange took a sip of the black tea and screamed in joy. "Waaaahhhh! I feel like I could do my titan research all night! What is it with your tea that makes me so energized!?" She screamed as she pinched your cheeks just like Isabel did. "Oh! This is black tea? Levi right here is a tea addict!" Isabel blurted out, which made your cheeks burn and your heart rate increase. Hange, still pinching your cheeks and babbling about your tea, you saw Levi took a sip of the tea at the corner of your eye.

Hange released her grip on your cheeks as she noticed Levi sipping the tea. "What do you think, Shorty?" Hange said as you were occupied with easing the pain on your cheeks by caressing it. Levi's face remained expressionless as he placed the half-full cup of tea down. No comment, how ungrateful! You thought to yourself and continued eating without making eye contact with him.

"C'mon, shorty, no comment at all?" Hange asked as she chews her last piece of meat.

"Oi! Shitty-glasses, do you ever shut up?" Levi muttered. Hange was unfazed by Levi's nickname to her but allowed her to babble more.

The night was still young as Levi lounge on the top floor with his white polo and slacks, admiring the beauty of the night sky

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The night was still young as Levi lounge on the top floor with his white polo and slacks, admiring the beauty of the night sky.

"How could you keep all this to yourself?!" Furlan shouted in exasperation as Isabel chattered about him sneaking off alone.

"You two are so loud. I'd be too irritated to get any killing done," Levi answered while the two sat beside him.

"(Y/n)'s tea was great. You have to commend her for it. After all, when Hange and (Y/n) left, you took our cups of black tea." Isabel cheerfully said and teasingly elbowed Levi. "That brat has some skills," Levi mumbled but was loud enough for them to hear.

"Then you should wait for her to grow up! Then marry her for her tea!" Furlan teased, which earned laughs from Isabel. "You'd have eyebrows for your father-in-law!" Isabel added. That annoyed Levi even more. "Tch,"

"But you know, I overheard that (Y/n) was from outside the wall," Furlan said and took a sip of the beer they found. Levi looked at him with curiosity and asked. "You read some of the documents in Erwin's office?"

"I read one, but that wasn't our target, but the only thing that I've read from there was that she was found last year wandering outside the wall with a white armband on her left," Furlan explained and finished his bottle of beer.

"So that's why she acts like an adult. I overheard the conversation that Petra and (Y/n) had while making Levi's favorite drink." Isabel added. "Why are we talking about (Y/n)? She's not the target." Levi monotonously said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Because she's your future wife!" Furlan and Isabel teased in unison. The night went on, and the trio went back to their rooms. Levi couldn't help himself at the teasing that the two made. She's a kid! What are you? A damn pedophile! Levi thought to himself as he sleeps away the first night of his duty in the Scout Regiment.

 She's a kid! What are you? A damn pedophile! Levi thought to himself as he sleeps away the first night of his duty in the Scout Regiment

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The days were quick, as the time for the expedition was near. Your bags were already packed as you were about to be brought to the training corps HQ. Days before, you grew very fond of Isabel's company, but you avoid as much contact with Levi as possible. He looks intimidating and scary for you but still finds him handsome. You even hoped that you'd at least see him smile for once.

You sat by the entrance door with your legs crossed as you waited for the wagon to arrive. Your bag was already placed by your side as you just stare into oblivion. "Where are you going, (Y/n)?" You heard Isabel from behind and glanced at her.

"Training Corps." You bluntly said with straight lips. "It's your first venture out of the wall. You better come back alive." You muttered as Isabel sat by your side.

"I promise! Have I let you down?" Isabel said reassuringly. You half smiled and heard heavy footsteps behind you. The wagon arrived at the same time you heard Erwin's heavy footsteps from behind. You didn't bother looking back as you stood up and carried your bag. You placed your bag on the wagon but struggled to go up the wagon.

"You'll grow tall someday, (Y/n). Just don't rush in growing up." You heard Erwin said as he carried you up and placed you on the wagon.

"You better get home alive, old man!" You crossed your arms and furrowed your eyebrows at him. He chuckled at what you said and nodded. You gave him a hug and slowly pulled away as you felt the horse started moving. You waved your hand goodbye at Erwin as he returned it. Erwin stared at your figure until it disappeared from his sight.   

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now