♕13: Crushed Hand♕

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Third Person's P.O.V.

The next morning was the ODM training. Most of the trainees were successful, but it put a frown on your face to see Eren struggle and hear the others mock him. Eren was only one of the few people who were determined to join the Survey Corps, yet it brought pain in your chest to see his skills fail drastically. Later the afternoon, you offered to help him along with Armin and Mikasa.

"Okay, I think I can do it this time! Raise me, Armin!" Eren exclaimed as you observe his body carefully. For a moment, he was getting it until you slowly saw his body tilting forward. You unconsciously reached for his head with your right hand but only saved his face, not his forehead. Your fingers were crushed, and it let out a loud crack as it was pressed hard on the cold ground. With an apathetic face, you were in an awkward position of you kneeling on the ground, with dust all over your clothes. Armin and Mikasa helped both of you up. You instantly hid your bruised and cracked fingers under your jacket as it started smoking.

"Get Eren to the infirmary." You commanded the two as you started walking in the opposite direction.

"What about your hand, (Y/n)?" She asked as they carried Eren by the shoulder. Without looking back, you continued walking and responded. "I'm fine."

You made your way to your cabin and watched as your wounded right-hand release smoke as it healed. To hide any suspicion, you took a bandage and wrapped your injured hand. The dinner with Eren was silent as you hear some trainees murmured about his failure.

You looked at Eren, who was just staring at the ceiling until you noticed smoke coming out from his bandaged head. Your jaw dropped, and your left hand dropped the spoon on the table that made a clanking sound. He's a titan?! Does he know? Your thoughts were suddenly flooded with terror and question.

"You dropped your spoon. Perhaps, you're used to using your right hand." Armin said as you snapped out of your thoughts. "Uhhh... yeah... I guess." You didn't even bother finishing your food as your mind was filled with many questions and theories.

There are two titans from Marley. The armored, colossal, and another that could possibly be the other half of my spine; What about Zeke? He's a candidate warrior. Why isn't he here?

"Eren..." You called. "What's your last name?" You asked him while just staring at the bowl of food that was half-eaten.

"It's Yeager..." He reluctantly answered. Your eyes widened as you stared at him with shock plastered on your face. Yeager? It doesn't make any sense! You suddenly stormed out of the mess hall and ran to the forest nearby. The wind blew cold as you made your way into the woods and tried to gather all the information and events that you just had.

"Eren Yeager! His father must have been from Marley and went in here with Titan shifting abilities!" You talked to yourself in panic when you reached the lake and felt that you were far away from any person. Guilt and sadness filled you when the thought about forgetting about Zeke and the habit of writing to him subsided. You fiddled with the ring he gave you as your mind wandered on the night he saved you.

The next day, you just watched Eren become successful on his ODM balance because of the defect you found. After that, you took your horse and went back to HQ to report back to Erwin of the training.

Levi was in your office as he placed the finished paper works on your office desk. He was wholly judgmental of your office as he scanned your bookshelves and furniture for any speck of dust. He suddenly sat on your desk as looked through your drawers. His eye suddenly caught a loose wooden plank under your desk. Curiosity filled him as he checked his surroundings to make sure nobody is there or anyone to go to your office. He removed the plank and saw a small black leather book and a white armband in a box. This brat keeps a lousy diary under her desk... I wonder if she has the ingredients for her tea or who she could have a crush on.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now