✵35: Infatuation✵

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"When you grow up, you'll be a shining diamond."

"I know you are imperfect but try. I know you are good, but you lie. Please, don't be hard on yourself. I know you are broken right now. Just know that somebody will always be there for you, even if it's not me. I love you, (Y/n). Know that I am with you by your side, even if I don't know what the future holds for you and me. One day we'll see each other again in a world that would be more harmonious and no longer chaotic."

"(Y/n)..." I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting my vision as I looked up who was calling me. I saw a familiar blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes. Erwin.

"I heard you have a headache... that's new." He said as he pulled a chair and placed it beside my bed to sit.

"I... I'm not really sick... I just don't want to be involved right now." I stammered as I frowned and avoided his gaze. His left hand started brushing my (h/c) hair, making me relaxed in his touch.

"You got me distressed back at the chapel. I thought you were dead." Erwin said with his voice hinting at sadness.

"A bullet on my chest isn't enough to kill me, old man." I teased and gave him my sweetest smile. He chuckled a bit as I sat up, and I held on to his left hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"I saw my mother," I said as my eyes softened. He leaned his head as he looked at me with anticipation to continue my story. I felt the need to talk about my mother after the close encounter with death itself.

"I've hated her from the moment she cursed me on her last breath. She made me a restless wanderer at the age of four... When I saw her, she apologized. She told me that if she could turn back the time, she would correct all her mistakes and errors that could make me suffer." Tears started falling down my cheeks as I recalled every word that my mother said.

"She loves me... She always did... She knew how broken I am and told me that there will always be somebody who would be there for me no matter what. And that's you, Erwin..." I lightly sniffled as Erwin wipes the tears from my eyes. His deep blue soulful eyes gazed at me as he gleamed a simple smile. He stood up and gave me an embrace as I buried my face on his chest.

"You are always there for me..." I uttered, hugging back.

"Even if the world is against you, I'll always be with you until the end of the line," Erwin said. A tear managed to drip on my shoulder as I pulled away from the embrace to look up to. Erwin was shedding tears.

"Did I make you cry?" I teased as I wiped it with my right hand.

"Yeah, you did. You always ask me to stay alive, but when I saw your eyes slowly dilating back at the chapel. I was terrified. You could protect me, yet I couldn't protect you." He stifled.

"I'm alive now... and I'm here," I said and embraced him once again. The embrace felt like this is the last time we'll ever see each other. I don't want the moment to slip away. I slowly let go as I gave a minuscule smile at him.

"Now go, old man. You have a king to kill." I said as I lightly nudged at his shoulder. He nodded and left the room.

My time is ticking. I never knew how fast time runs. If I really died back there, who knows what could've happened to me back there...

The dawn finally broke as I got out of the bed and went to the nearest balcony. Everybody seems to be fast asleep while the Scouts and Garrisons were already out, preparing to kill the Titan approaching the District. The wind blew cold as I hugged myself to keep warm. Unconsciously, I held my right hand on my belly, wondering if there really was life in there or I just got fat.

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