♕3: The History♕

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The Yeager family took me in. They provided me food, clothes, and shelter. They gave me a small bedroom that they used to lock away for some reason. In return, I helped out with their house chores. Zeke was always out by morning and goes home before dark. Despite having a comfortable bed, I still can't get myself to sleep. I often see myself pacing back and forth inside my room every night. My head was always occupied by what Ymir showed me.

I've stayed with them for almost two weeks, and I've never thought of going out of the apartment. The fear that Marley is hunting me down still creeps into me. I also can't help myself wonder why Zeke's parents are not around. Does that mean he's also an orphan? Well, not exactly, since his grandparents are taking care of him.

I sat on my bed by the window and looked at the streets that are lit up. Dawn will soon rise, and I still haven't put myself to sleep for at least an hour. I've been biting nails too much as well.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I said. The door opened to reveal Zeke in his pajamas, holding a book. He sat on the other side of the bed and placed a book on my lap.

"Tough for a kid six years younger than me to have sleeping problems. You must be some kind of an adult with stress issues." He joked and gleamed a simple smile. I smiled back at him and looked at the book. It has no title on the cover page.

"What's this?" I asked as I flipped through the pages. Text and illustrations filled the pages of the book.

"You're pretty smart for a four-year-old kid. You'll figure it out." He chuckled at his statement. "Bedtime story?" I smirked. As I flipped through the pages, my eye caught a picture of a woman giving a fruit to a beast with ram horns and fanged teeth. It was hideous, to be honest. I frowned at the illustration as I realize what the story is about. Zeke might have noticed my expression as he sat beside me to see the page that I'm staring at.

 Zeke might have noticed my expression as he sat beside me to see the page that I'm staring at

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"Is that how my ancestor looked like?" I pointed at the beast in the picture.

"It's what I was taught." He said. 

"You've got the horns right but they still taught you the wrong thing. It looked nothing like that." I said and closed the book.

"Then maybe you could educate me of your history." He said and took the book. 

"It's a long story, Zeke, and the sun will come up soon." I looked at him with a blank expression.

"You don't have to worry about me, (Y/n). It's my day off." He said and leaned on the headboard. I sighed and sat up with my legs crossed and my back slouching.

"Two thousand years ago, Ymir fell into a sinkhole when she was being chased down for the accusation of setting a pig free. On the brink of her death, a Spine-like creature attached itself to her back. It transformed her into the first titan. That Spine-like creature is my ancestor." I brokenly said and halted. I waited for him to ask a question before I continue.

"So, you're not totally human?" He asked with a questioning look

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"So, you're not totally human?" He asked with a questioning look.

"I'm just getting to the good part, old man." I teased and continued my story. He scoffed at my tease and continued to listen.

"Ymir was used as a weapon against Marley, and she had three daughters from the King. She grew tired of being used as a weapon. A day before her death, Ymir communicated with the Spine that saved her and asked it to set itself free from her body. Without a body, the Spine could not leave her, and so, she gathered up clay to make a human body for the Spine to reside in."

"If the Spine was transferred to that body, then the nine titan shifters would not exist." Zeke butted in as he leaned forward and showed more interest in the story.

"Let me finish all right," I said and leaned my back against the wall.

"The Spine from its coccyx and thoracic was able to transfer to the molded body. When it suddenly split when an Eldian soldier passed by her. The cervical part of the Spine remained with Ymir." I touched my nape as I continued to tell my story. 

"The molded body took a form of a human and killed the Eldian soldier that passed by. It ran off far away from Ymir as possible. Then the next day, Ymir died trying to save King Fritz from assassination. Her body no longer regenerated, and so the King asked his three daughters to consume her to inherit her powers. Thus, the nine titan shifters were born." I ended my story and looked at Zeke, who has a puzzling expression.

"So, you're Spine ancestor just ran off and was never found?" He asked.

"Well, you found me," I mumbled and immediately covered my mouth with my hand as I realize what I just said. Zeke's eyes widened from what I said. He abruptly pulled me by the shoulder.

"You're the 10th titan shifter?!" He gasped, and I smacked my left shoulder hard.

"Be quiet!" I hushed him. He shut his mouth, and I heavily sighed. 

"I'm the last descendant of the Spine, Zeke, and I'm the first one to summon its powers," I whispered and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling with despair and guilt.

You've said too much already (Y/n). Prepare yourself to be betrayed and used.

"I'm one of the descendants of King Fritz." Zeke bluntly stated. It was my turn to be surprised, and so I returned the same reaction.

"You're a Fri-?!" I gasped, but he quickly covered my mouth with his right hand. He hushed me without removing his hand from my mouth. He looked around to check if anyone was listening on the window or the door. He let his go from my mouth as I breathed for air.

"Now we are even on surprises." He chuckled. We sat side by side on the bed as we enjoyed the comfortable silence. The sun slowly lit up the room, and we both looked at the new morning.

"I guess we are both cursed." I hummed.

"Yeah. I guess so (Y/n). At least you would not have to walk alone on it." He plastered a smile on his face that I no longer find creepy but instead comforting.

I would not have to go through this alone.

"Let me give you a tour around the town. It is suffocating to be always inside." He said and stood up and walked out of the room.

" He said and stood up and walked out of the room

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Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now