╳ 47: Lay me Down╳

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Warning: Lemon ahead!

Third Person P.O.V.

[Y/n] was able to convince Zeke to stay for the night

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[Y/n] was able to convince Zeke to stay for the night. He slept on the couch, shirtless, waking every hour or two to check if she was awake or having nightmares. To his surprise, she slept peacefully. He was about to sleep once again after checking on her when he heard the bedsheets moving. [Y/n] sat on the corner of her bed and went by the balcony, gazing down at the night lights of Liberio as she poured herself a glass of bourbon to sleep. (Y/n) has stopped drinking chamomile tea to put herself to sleep because it reminded her of someone she learned to loath.

Though the curse of being restless had returned to [Y/n] once again. She didn't mind as long as she was with Zeke. She was about to drink her second shot glass when Zeke snatched away the drink from her hands, making her pout.

"Since when did you even start drinking?" He asked and gulped the alcohol. The blonde man blushed when he saw [Y/n] in her alabaster nightgown. To her, it seems like she is a mess, but to him, she was a goddess. "Around sixteen. I don't know. Aren't you cold?" [Y/n] slurred as she gazed up at his bare torso, making her flustered enough to rapidly look away.

"No, I'm too hot to feel the cold."

"Haha," [Y/n] sarcastically laughed and stood up to go back to bed. Zeke rolled his eyes as he swiftly carried her in his arms and gently placed her back on the bed. He gazed away and swallowed his saliva when he saw her exposed collarbone from the thin nightgown that she was wearing.

He pulled the sheets to cover [Y/n] and was about to go back to his couch to sleep when he suddenly felt a hand grabbing his left wrist, making him turn around to look at her.

"You stopped me from enjoying my drink, then carry me back to bed and just leave?" She whined. It doesn't seem right for a man to lay next to the woman he hadn't been with for the past eleven months, but he made an exception seeing how needy she was. He reluctantly nodded, and [Y/n] immediately hustled to the left to give room for him.

She laid her head on his left arm as his right arm wrapped itself around her waist, pulling [Y/n] close to his body. Her right hand immediately caressed his chin as she admired his handsome face.

"I missed this." She nuzzled on his bare chiseled chest, inhaling his manly scent. Involuntarily, the fingers of her left hand traced his torso, making Zeke melt at her touch. 

"Me too." He stuttered as he felt [Y/n]'s warm breath brushing on his collarbone. How he missed the warmth of her embrace, her entertaining company, and the kiss that the both of them shared.

His right hand took her left, which was tracing circles on his right chest. Intertwining his rough fingers with her soft ones, making [Y/n] look deep into his dark greyish-blue eyes. All she could see and feel was his longingness for her presence.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now