♟62: The Boy Wonder♟

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Long chapter ahead!

Third Person P.O.V.

"Zachary was killed?" The news about the Premier's death has now reached their corporal as Zeke eavesdrop while staying still, reading the book he was given for the seventh time. He clicked his tongue in frustration as the given intel states that everything was part of Zeke and (Y/n)'s plan. All this time, he was trying to convince himself that you would never go this far and that you were only bound by the Yeager brothers' powers. Now that he knew you were far away from him, he finally realizes you were really doing this on your own and by your will.

I've saved Eren and (Y/n) multiple times. Each time I do more comrades die all because I believe they were the hope of humanity, and I was blinded by my love for her, until now. And look, this is where my beliefs got me. I became an awful joke because of her. What the hell did I see in her? Why am I still chasing after her? All those struggles and death for a farce like this?

Levi held his head with his right as all the memories of his comrades dying came flooding in, giving him the headache. He was at his boiling point with you. There was deep regret in his heart at the realization he believes makes you an embodiment of evil.

"Such bullshit. It's not even funny. There's another shithead we should have eaten. And another person we should have beheaded." He cussed.

"What do you mean?" Varis asked. There was no other choice but to resort to a different plan. Though it kills him to say it, he has to stop you no matter what.

"We'll give the Beast Titan to someone else. We'll make one of the Yaegerists into a Titan and have them eat Zeke. As for (Y/n), there seems to no way of talking to her unless you place a blade on her neck." It twisted knots in his guts for him to come to a decision like that as he knew words will never get to you.

"I can't tell if they are manipulating Eren, but their party is over if one of them is dead."

He commanded the two, but they were shocked because of his rash decision, especially towards (Y/n), whom everybody knew he was in love with before. Zeke heard everything but kept pretending he was reading the book. He gazed forward upon hearing the swooshing of Levi's gear.

"Enjoying your book?" He scoffed.

"I am for one I've read seven times." Zeke sarcastically answered and looked back on the book.

"You've been eavesdropping more than reading."

"Can you blame me when I've read it this much? By the way, is there any wine left?" Zeke casually asked.

"Not a single drop left. We've been here for a month." He bluntly answered as Zeke sighed in frustration, acting as if he was deprived of such a delightful drink.

"Just read your book."

"Roger that, boss." He turned around and walked away while keeping a close distance. I'm going to chop him up, no matter what Pixis says or how (Y/n) would react. That bearded shit and his wife was the enemy, after all. And now that I've realized that now, (Y/n) doesn't deserve my sympathy anymore. His peripheral kept glancing at Zeke, who was stretching his arms.

It took long enough. Erwin, I will never uphold the promise to be by your daughter's side, but I will be able to fulfill one. There was meaning in your deaths. And at long last, I'll prove it. He turned his head around to check on Zeke, only to find him dashing away. At first, he thought it was stupid of him to run, but then hell broke loose. Zeke, having the royal blood, screamed on top of his lungs.


Every soldier in the area suddenly fell down from the tree branches and glowed in sparkling yellow, making Levi looked up with agitation and horror plastered all over his face. Pure Titans landed on the ground like rain as it surrounded Levi.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now