♟61: A Sound Argument♟

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Before (Y/n) escaped out of this island five years ago, she has conspired with Eren countless times. I'm sorry I covered her up by saying I spoke to Eren in secret. That's enough reason to detain us, volunteers." Yelena admitted as she gazed on the horizon by the balcony. Commander Pixis visited just a day after Yelena cried over your shoulder.

"How kind of you to be honest." The old man said. 

"She knew too well that you guys know nothing of the outside world. At first, she tends to keep this island ignorant because of the first king's will. But after the Battle of Shiganshina and the death of her son. Her eyes were opened, and she saw a way to save Eldia. You kept doubting her ways."

"So, you're telling me that (Y/n) convinced Eren to infiltrate Marley on his own to get our military moving." He asked as one of his assistants take note of every word coming out of Yelena's mouth. She took a sip of tea before continuing her story.

"We only wanted her to reduce Marley into ash. She exceeded my expectations and wiped out their military battalions. It is proof that she possesses the power of Ymir. Commander Pixis didn't you know she is the mother of all Eldians. The reason why every single one of your kind could turn into Titans? You're about to witness her and two brothers reshape the world-"

The sound of a light thud on the table made Yelena stop as Pixis gingerly smiled. "I'm not asking about (Y/n) as her words and actions are always contradicting. Tell us the truth."


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"I can't allow you two to meet Eren," Darius stated as he turned around to face Mikasa and Armin, who gasped in shock.

"Then let us speak to (Y/n), at least," Mikasa said as her voice came out broken. "I can't allow that as well."

"Why not?" Armin asked with a worried look all over his face. 

"Didn't you two know? It was (Y/n) and Zeke that influenced Eren to go on his own. He kept quiet about this secret meeting with them, which resulted in the raid of Marley. We're currently investigating if anyone else is involved with it. Eren hasn't said a word since the truth came to light." 

They still have no idea what he did in Marley and concluded that he is being manipulated by Zeke, but most especially by you. Darius looked down as he recalled how you were worthlessly treated after the hearing and thought a lot of what-ifs.

What if we asked her thoroughly before she was thrown to prison? You were a mistake by Erwin. He thought to himself as there were no loopholes that could have prevented you from doing those actions. Mikasa's jaw dropped as her heart ached for the man she loved. It's as if she never understood him in the first place. Both of them were still in denial as Darius walked towards the electric chair.

They tried to reason with him that there was no harm in trying to talk to you or Eren, but the Premier dismissed their idea as it is too delicate of a situation.

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