✵39: The Battle of Shiganshina✵

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Warning: Long chapter ahead

Warning: Long chapter ahead

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[Y/n]'s P.O.V.

"You're the enemy."

"Die, bitch!"

"I can't believe a snake was living amongst us!"

"The commander raised a murderous whore!"

People started spitting and cursing and pointing at me. Everybody has that horrible look of betrayal and hate. The woman who fought hard to find solace ended up being shamed for spilling the truth.

Second Person P.O.V.

You heavily breathed as you felt like drowning again as your vision adjusted to sunlight coming from the window.

"What!? What happened?!" Levi abruptly sat up as he pulled down the covers to look at you.

"No, no, no, it's okay. I just had a nightmare, more like morning horror, I guess." You said as you calmly pulled Levi's shoulder for him to lie back down. He buried his face in between your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist. You brushed the fingertips of your right hand through his raven black hair while your left hand traced his broad shoulders.

"Stop doing that." He muffled, making his voice vibrate on your chest, causing you to be a little ticklish.

"Doing what?" You cluelessly asked as you blinked your eyes at him.

"Stop waking up as if you drowned on water. It reminds me of the night I almost lost you." Levi bluntly said as he raised his head to look at you with his dull grey eyes and placed his chin on your breastbone. You chuckled a little at how he expressed his concern for you.

"Yes, Corporal." You teased and beamed a simple smile. He laid down on your left side and pulled you towards him, pressing your warm bodies to one another.

"I'm going to marry the love of my life after this mission."

A smile crept on the stony face of Levi as he embraced you, burying your face on the crook of his neck as you hid your lips that was curved downwards. Do I really want to spent the rest of my life with him? The idea of Levi having you all to himself made you felt guilty because of Zeke.

"Do you have second thoughts about me?" Levi suddenly as pulled away, looking at your face that was displaying a concerned appearance.

"No, it's not like-"

"Good, now help me with my morning wood."


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Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now