♕9: Key♕

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Third Person P.O.V.

You were personally trained by Keith Shadis and didn't give you any special treatment whether you are a child or Erwin's orphan. This didn't break your spirit as you show keep showing the same determination every single day. During your two months of training, you learned how to fight the hard way, and your endurance was increased. It distracted you from the worry of Erwin and the others of not coming home. Other trainees seem to be intimidated by you because a kid could literally surpass them in combat. In summary, you were a lone wolf in the training corps.

The next day, words have arrived that the Scout Regiment are returning from the expedition. You asked permission from Keith Shadis if you could go to Shiganshina, where the scouts will come from. Keith granted your request as you excitedly ran out of the training corp. With your white hoodie and red pants, you made your way to the pavement beside the lake with your head to focused on where they were. Distracted at the thought of finding them, you accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man. He was wearing glasses and a dark brown coat that scattered his medical equipment from his bag. You immediately stood up and bowed your head in apology.

"Accept my apologies, Sir. I was in a rush." You said and helped him pick up his things. "It's okay. Children like you are mostly clumsy. Be careful next time." He smiled as he picks up some of his stuff. Your eye suddenly caught a vial bottle on the ground containing purple liquid in it. Spinal fluid?! Your mind boggled at the thought that someone might have been multiplying the numbers of titans outside the wall. Unconsciously, your hand was already holding the vial while you stare at it with your eyes widened in fear.

"Oh! That's mine." The man said as he reached for the vial that you were holding with your right hand. He unintentionally touched your hand, which made the situation worst.

A vision of the past of the molded body that Ymir appeared and suddenly zapped you to the future, where you saw colossal titans flattening the earth without remorse for women and children

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A vision of the past of the molded body that Ymir appeared and suddenly zapped you to the future, where you saw colossal titans flattening the earth without remorse for women and children. You pulled yourself together with the terrifying vision and snapped back to reality.

You looked up and saw him with the same terrified reaction as you. You harshly gave the spinal fluid back to him and ran away from him. 

"Hey! Wait!" The man tried to call you, but you were already far away. Sweats keep dripping down your neck while you run to a different street as the vision you saw kept repeating itself in your head. Once again, because you were too distracted and too terrified, you bumped into two children who were just rushing as you. Their sticks fell off as you mentally facepalmed yourself for bumping into people.

 Their sticks fell off as you mentally facepalmed yourself for bumping into people

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