♕14: Negotiation♕

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Third Person's P.O.V.

After a year and a half, your routine was composed of evaluating and training future cadets. After every activity, you always report back to Erwin. Levi kept filling in for your absence as the both of you always end up drinking tea together whenever you were at HQ. The routine was tiring you, and your mind kept boggling on who were the warriors that might have infiltrated Paradis.

It was late at night, and you didn't feel like sleeping, so you went outside of the camp and sat beside piles of logs. You kept fidgeting with your ring while you look up at the night sky. Gently feeling the light breeze as it brushed your hair, you just stayed there contemplating and wondering about your existence. You suddenly discern someone on the way to your location as you heard rustling sounds on your right. Calmly, you waited for the person to show themselves.

"You sure nobody is following us?" You heard Bertolt's voice. You kept your composure and poked your left index finger with the ring as they slowly walked to your location.

"(Y/n)?!" Reiner uttered while Annie and Bertolt stood in shock. Annie raised her right hand to bite it but stopped when she saw your index finger dripping blood and sparks coming out of it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Sit down." You calmly said as your authoritative aura surrounded them. They sat down around you like you were in some kind of support group; however, it seems more like a group interrogation. "So, you were the ones that destroyed Wall Maria. I guess Marley never changed." You said and wiped off the blood from your finger.

"If you knew about us, why didn't-" "I didn't know until you showed up here." You cut Bertolt off as you kept your gaze on the ground. "Don't worry. I won't tell a soul." You reassured them as they looked at you with disbelief in their eyes.

"Go back to Marley while you still can." You looked at them apathetically as Annie bowed her head.

"You right... Let's take back what we know to Marley. They will be happy to hear anything." Annie said with bitterness on her face.

"Do you honestly think that? Not if that's all we have to show after five years." Reiner said with his deep voice showing disappointment on Annie.

"Then tell me your mission, and I'll help you get out of here." You said.

"Retrieve the Founding Titan and the 10th Titan Shifter," Reiner answered as he looked at you sternly. I'm not a hundred percent sure of Eren being a Titan, and it's obvious that they found you. What could I do to get them out of here, or more importantly, how do I prevent Marley from invading? Unless I just buy more time...

"What plan do you have in mind to lure out the Founding Titan?" You asked as you placed your right elbow on your crossed legs to place your chin.

"Break Wall Rose," Reiner answered with all certainty. Unfazed by his answer, you realize how he is like Zeke's grandparents, too close-minded about the people of Paradis.

"Your friends will die," Annie said with sadness in her eyes.

"They're not my friends. They're devils!" Reiner gritted his teeth in anger as Bertolt remained silent.

"You slept under the same roof as them, you ate on the same table with them, and you even acted like an older brother to them. Tell me, Reiner. What makes you think that you're any different than them?" Reiner gulped at your statement as you furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"Sort out your feelings for these people before you could even execute your plan. That's what kept my real identity from them." Silence filled the air as the four of you were contemplating on what to say next. Fighting you was obviously not an option for them. With the silence, you finally strike out for negotiation.

"I'll help you with your mission, but I have some conditions." They looked at you with all seriousness.

"First, always tell me your plan before executing it. I want to lessen the casualties with your barbaric plans. Second, if you retrieve the Founding Titan. Then I will give you half of the day as a head start, and I will not hesitate to report you. Do we have a deal?"

"That means you're the 10th Titan shifter?!" Bertolt gasped.

"Part of our mission is to retrieve you too. What makes you think that we won't take you?" Reiner asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's not a question whether you would take me or not. The fact is that you can't take me." You answered and brushed your hair up. "Someone else will come for me, and I'm still waiting for him." They gave you a puzzling look but muttered amongst themselves.

"Do we have a deal or not?" You stood up and raised your right hand to your shoulder level. Reiner stood up and shook your hand in agreement to your terms.

"I trust you, Reiner, Bertolt, Annie. From a former Liberio citizen to a warrior." You said and slowly pulled your hand away. You started walking back to camp as if nothing happened.

The next day was their training for their combative skills. This was your specialty, and you intentionally didn't teach them because you wanted to know their capabilities. They all partnered up as they practice hand-to-hand combat. Some didn't take it seriously, while others were into it. You observed Bertolt, who was just standing there with his towering height as his gaze was glued on Annie. You walked up to him and tapped his arm.

"Oh! Sorry, Lance Corporal. I didn't see you there." He sheepishly smiled as you gestured him to put his face near. You grabbed his ear lightly, which earned a small groan from him.

"If you love that woman. Go tell her. What are you waiting for?" You whispered in his ear and pointed at Annie, who was just walking around. Bertolt blushed as he looked away in embarrassment. You chuckled at his reaction and proceeded with watching every trainee practice.

 You chuckled at his reaction and proceeded with watching every trainee practice

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