♕16: Blood Stains♕

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You stood on the roof of one of the houses destroyed during the invasion of Wall Maria. Other soldiers were below tending their horses while Erwin's squad was in a tent talking about their next move. Attentively, you watched the forest for any sudden movements or any sightings of pure titans.

"(Y/n)!" Hange called out your name from the other side of the roof. You glanced toward her direction and went closer. "I have to fill you in with what we found while you were training the cadets." You nodded your head and listened to her.

"We found a journal containing Ilse's encounter with a Titan during the 34th expedition." Hange excitedly said. What could that soldier have written? It may blow my cover, and soon their ignorance about Titans will subside. "What did it say?" You asked her while acting curious and hopeful for the information.

"The Titan she encountered spoke to her and even bowed to her. It says about Ymir's people."

Ymir's people?! It's one of those Eldian restorationists that were thrown off by Marley here. You were petrified because it spoke. What more could those mindless titans say? All those years that you have stayed with them, you could've quenched Hange's thirst for Titan knowledge. You could've cured their ignorance by telling them what you have been through on your way to this island. But no, you chose to be passive. You have chosen to lie and wait.

Hange babbled a lot until you only caught her final sentence clearly. "Isn't this great! Finally, we have a step forward to understanding the outside world!" She said as she hugged you tightly.

"Yeah, finally." You answered showing the same enthusiasm. You suddenly saw a soldier from afar riding his horse in great speed. The galloping of his horse was loud enough to catch the attention of every soldier in the area. He halted in front of the tent, and you went down to hear what he would say.

"Commander Erwin! You have to go back! The Colossal Titan kicked a hole in Wall Rose! Titans are invading Trost!" You heard the fearful soldier shouted at Erwin as he catches his breath.

Without a second thought, you took your horse and rode out of the base.

"(Y/n)!" Erwin called out your name, but you kept moving forward without looking back. The cadets, the citizens, how many lives and damage have been caused? The guilt was eating you up. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Marco, and Connie, I hope they're still alive.

It was late in the afternoon; the sunlight reflected the sky with an orange tint. You were a few feet away from the wall, which is your cue to zip up the wall. You balance yourself as you stood up on the saddle of your still running horse, pulling your blades out. You shot up the hooks of your 3DMG and flew yourself up on the wall. You landed on top of the wall, and the first face you saw was Commander Pixis talking to Eren.

"Ah! Right on time, Lance Corporal!" Your face was worried but became puzzled by what Pixis was saying.

"What?" You were confused as you glanced at Armin and Mikasa. 

"You are to protect Eren from any titans that would come near him. He will plug up the hole in the wall by carrying the boulder, right over there, with his Titan shifting powers." Pixis casually said. He must really must be the Founding Titan. (Y/n) concluded to herself. You relaxed a bit and nodded to Pixis's commandment. You walked alongside Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Rico, and the others.

"Why doesn't it surprise you that Eren is a Titan?" Armin asked as he looked at you suspiciously. You remained unfazed by his question because you are aware that Armin is sharp.

"I'm just as surprised as you are but I have to keep my composure, Armin. All your saying about Eren becoming a titan makes no sense to me, but I have to follow orders." You answered as you looked down on damages done by the invasion.

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