☸45: Home☸

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Mom, when is auntie (Y/n) going to wake up?"

"Lara, tell the kids to stop bothering (Y/n)!" What? (Y/n) felt a small hand poking her left cheeks and another patting her stomach. The sound of a curtain being slid open and the blinding light of the sun made your eyes slowly squint open. Your vision adjusted from the sunshine as you felt your head still heavy from a long slumber.

"Where am I?" You muttered as you sat up. The bed feels so soft. "She's awake! Call Willy!" A high-pitched voice of a woman said. Rubbing your eyelids, you felt somebody sitting on your lap. Looking down, you saw a toddler with blonde hair wearing a cute black dress, staring at you with her adorable brown orbs. What the?

The room was painted milky white, and the columns have intricate designs. Moldings on the wall and ceiling have a double curved form. On the double door placed directly across the bed stood two soldiers wearing an elegant red uniform.

"Sorry about her, (Y/n). She was really excited to meet you." A woman with black hair tied in a classic bun carried the child away from your lap and set her aside. She looked like a maid because of the apron tied to her waist.

"Ummmm... Do you mind telling me what's going on? How did I get here?" You asked as your eyes kept scanning the room.

"That's for Wil-"

"You're awake! Thank goodness you're alright!" The door opened, followed by a joyful yet deep voice echoed in the big room. A man probably around his thirties with shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes wearing a black suit and tie walked in with a cheerful smile. You blankly stared at the man as he intently looked at you.

"Oh! How rude of me. I'm Willy Tybur, head of the family" He raised his right hand for a handshake. Tybur? You didn't shake his hand, leaving him hanging on his awkward spot."I must say you have our father's looks." Your lips curved downward, feeling lost and confused at the same time as you averted your gaze on your lap.

"How did I get here?" You mumbled. "Leave us," Willy commanded the soldiers, Lara, and the children to give the two of you some privacy. He sat on the chair on the left side of the bed. His shadow cast down on the blanket that was covering your legs.

"What was the last thing you remember?" He calmly asked and leaned forward with his elbow resting on his knees and hands clasped.

"I remember flying above the clouds. The feeling of freedom as I stared down on the raging waves of the viridian sea. But I don't remember how I ended up here."

"Let me enlighten you then. Give yourself a warm bath, and I'll show you." He beamed an optimistic smile and left the room. You went out of the comfortable bed and walked towards the door on the right side of the room. There was a luxurious bathroom with all the unnecessary toiletries. Seeing how there was a faucet for warm water, gave you a sense of alleviation, after enduring the cold running water back in Paradis Island. It was one of the best baths you had in years. For once, you felt clean.

Wrapped in a white bathrobe, you went out of the bathroom all fresh and dried up. A beautiful blue semi-formal dress with long sleeves was laid on the bed. You wore the dress and looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress flowed down until your shin as your hands involuntarily caressed your now normal-sized stomach.

How long has it been? You asked yourself as you felt the emptiness and loneliness lingering in your heart.

*Knock knock*

The door opened, revealing the woman with an apron from awhile ago. 

"Please come with me." She said. You nodded and followed behind her. There was an open courtyard just outside your room with a bronze statue of a man stepping on a decapitated head with a spear piercing on its cheeks. 

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now