♕2: The Rescuer♕

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Fifteen moons have passed, fifteen cold restless nights and days of wandering. My feet grew numb in the process. I stopped by a lake surrounded by pine trees. The sun was still up, which reflected the water like fire. I kneeled by the lake and looked at my reflection on the water. My (h/c) hair scattered all over my face. My (e/c) eyes looked lifeless as it was engulfed my eyebags for not resting them for a minute. Mud and dirt were all over my face.

I checked my surrounding before stripping myself naked. I slowly soaked myself in the water and felt the sensation of the warm water. No longer have I thought about going further on the lake because of my height. I refreshed and cleaned myself a little more before back up to the surface to clothe myself.

It looks more like I'm wearing torn rags than regular cloth. I clothed myself and moved on. As I continued my journey, it slowly started to snow. Great!

I have to find shelter soon. I rubbed my hands to generate heat, but it is clearly useless. My clothes weren't helping either as my body shivered to the cold. After two hours of walking, the sky became grey, and the wind howled. I stopped moving and kneeled to the cold ground, as the overwhelming sadness and despair brought tears to my eyes. I embraced my knees to my chest and sobbed.

Somebody save me!

The cold night went on as I felt myself becoming stiff. My eyes became heavier until I blacked out.

Third Person P.O.V.

A blonde boy was on his late patrol on the area when he came across (y/n). He pointed his flashlight at your almost frozen body and inspected whether you were alive or a corpse. He kneeled down to your level and placed his gun down to the left. Placing his right hand near your nose and mouth, he felt your warm breath.

"She's still alive!" He gasped and picked your cold body up, bridal style.

(Y/n), not knowing what was happening, suddenly zapped your subconscious to another world. You felt yourself on the sand, and as you open your eyes, you saw a blonde girl wearing a headband was staring at you.

"Where am I?" You asked the female stranger. She ignored you and proceeded with her activity of filling the bucket with sand. You looked around and saw luminous light that looks like a spine.

Did Ymir Fritz save me? You thought to yourself and stood up to walk towards her

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Did Ymir Fritz save me? You thought to yourself and stood up to walk towards her.

"Why am I here?" You reached for her left wrist, which made her stop from her activity. She stared at you with a blank expression and raised her right hand to point out the light. You looked at the light and back at her with a questioning face. She stayed silent and patted your head. You then snapped back to reality.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Oh! You're awake." A mellow voice called out. Not having enough energy, I looked at the person carrying me. His blonde wavy hair covered enough amount of his forehead, as it was styled on the middle. I shifted my attention toward his yellow armband on his left.

"You're a warrior candidate," I muttered. He just looked at me and continued to walk. 

"Are you going to hand me over to Marley?" I asked him as I just stared down. He suddenly stopped moving and sighed.

"You really think I won't help a fellow Eldian?" He asked with a stern expression.

"Just leave me here. I don't want to cause trouble." I said as I looked away from him.

"If you're worried about me handing you over to Marley, I can assure you I won't." He said and held me tighter as the cold wind blew harder. Unsure of whether to trust him or not, I remained silent.

"I knew you met Ymir an awhile ago." He said as my eyes widen from what I heard.

Impossible! I could only have met Ymir if I'm with her direct descendants. Unless he is of royal blood.

"You can't possibly be a descendant of Ymir," I mumbled, but it seems like he heard what I said. "I know you don't trust me at the moment, but I can assure you I will not surrender you to Marley." He said.

"For starters, I'll introduce myself. I'm Zeke Yeager" He flashed a smile as if trying to persuade me to trust him.

Well, I need help, and maybe he has the answer to all my questions.

"I'm (F/n) (L/n)," I said, and he continued walking. His grip on me became tighter as Marleyan soldiers kept guard of the wired gate. I buried my face to his left chest in an attempt to hide my face from the soldiers. There might even be a bounty for my spine. I waited for the worse as Zeke halted. He then continued walking. I gazed upon him and sighed in relief.

"How did you get past by the guards?" I asked him. 

"Trust me. I've earned their trust." He bluntly stated. He stopped in front of an apartment-like building and gently placed me down on my feet. He placed his hands on his pockets as he went up the stairs to the entrance.

"You're going to freeze to death there if you don't follow me." He said and went into the building. My small legs went up the stairs and followed him. The place was warmer than the outside, and it was simple enough. I followed him through the hallways until he halted in front of a door. He opened the door and signaled me to come in. I peeped inside before going in.

"I'm home!" Zeke announced lightly as an old lady approached him from the kitchen and gently hugged him

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"I'm home!" Zeke announced lightly as an old lady approached him from the kitchen and gently hugged him.

"I brought home a friend, and she needs help." He said, and the old lady glanced at me.

"Oh! You poor child! Where are your parents?" She asked with a worried look. I blankly looked at the old lady and to Zeke, unsure what I should answer.

"She recently became an orphan, grandmother," Zeke stated. I bowed my head to the ground as I felt the guilt for the trouble that I brought to Zeke's family. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I sniffed as I felt my eyes water again. You're such a dramatic girl.

The old lady wiped the tears on my cheeks as she pulled me to a hug. "You're free to stay with us for as long as you like. It is a pretty cruel world for a child out there." She gently hushed and patted my back with her right hand.

She's so kind! It's the first time I've felt real kindness! I hugged her back as I continued to sob in happiness and relief.

She's so kind! It's the first time I've felt real kindness! I hugged her back as I continued to sob in happiness and relief

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Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now