╳ 48: The Warrior Unit╳

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Third Person P.O.V.

"I'll be home before you know it... Yes, I'll pass by the seamstress tomorrow afternoon... Okay, bye!" Zeke walked out of the bathroom with the towel hanging around his waist, hearing what you said through the telephone.

"Who was that?" He asked as you hanged up the telephone and walked towards the cabinet next to the bathroom door.

"Lara, she said I have to go to the seamstress downtown tomorrow so that they could prepare my dress for the incoming 'late winter ball celebration'." You did a quote and quote hand gesture and removed your silk bathrobe to get dressed, leaving you in your undergarments. Zeke stood behind you and tugged back your (h/c) hair, showing your neck and collar full of purple stains of the hickeys and some red bite marks.

"I could've sworn those would've healed by now." His eyes and right hand traced your back, leading it to the reddish-brown scorched cigarette butt mark on her lower back.

"Didn't you know? I don't heal when in close range with royal blood." Taking out a casual winter dress, you turned and saw the worried and guilty look plastered on Zeke's face. You pecked his lips and gave a reassuring smile that you were okay.

"I'm all right, beasty. Go get dressed. Your clothes from yesterday were all washed and dry. It's by the table in the living room."

The two of you decided to visit his grandparents at the intermittent zone, passing through the alleyways where the two of you walked through during the escape

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The two of you decided to visit his grandparents at the intermittent zone, passing through the alleyways where the two of you walked through during the escape. They walked with their hands intertwined with one another, not giving a damn if some Marleyans gave a disgusted stare.

"Do you think she'll recognize me?" You muttered as you held up the grey scarf unto your nose.

"Of course, she will!" He gave an encouraging smile as he pushed up his circular glasses. They arrived at the gate of the intermittent zone that was guarded by two Marleyan soldiers.

"Papers?" One of them asked. It made you upset to see walls surrounding the Eldians living in Liberio, reminding you of the walls of Paradis. They noticed how your left hand was holding tightly on Zeke's right hand and thought about how absurd it was for an Eldian to hang around a Marleyan. Technically, you were an Eldian, just like the Tybur family, but they never get to wear such distinctive armbands.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you being threatened by this spawn of a devil?" You snapped out of your thoughts and got a little triggered with how the address Zeke.

"No, sir." You politely answered, trying your best not to kill the geezer that asked. "Are you sure?"

"I can assure you, good sir. That my fiancé is no threat to me." Smiling amiably, the soldier felt a sinister aura out of you and told the others to open the gate.

"So, we're getting married?" Zeke teasingly whispered as both of you entered the intermittent zone. "He was being an ass." You pouted, avoiding the question.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now