♟59: Declaration of War♟

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Third Person P.O.V.

Zeke was drying your hair with a towel while a cigarette was in between his lips. You sat on a wooden chair, relaxing with how he tenderly rubs your hair and scalp until it's mostly dry. It was already two hours before dusk, and everybody has to be in position. You could say that this is the last hour the two of you could spend without the sense of urgency.

"It's really happening, huh?" Your voice came out broken as you looked at his reflection on the mirror in front of you. Zeke only has a grey towel loosely wrapped around his waist as yours were tightly wrapped around below your underarm. He placed his half-finished cigarette on the ashtray in front of you and caressed your shoulders before you placed your hands on his. You smiled a bit as you relished the moment with him.

"I wish we had more time..." Zeke frowned as he saw the wistful look in your eyes upon saying it monotonously.

"We'll have all the time in the world once this is done. Just hold on, alright?" He kissed your right temple reassuringly as his fingers travelled down to your arms, leaving a lingering sensation in your skin as he crouched down on your level.

"Zeke, by the time we get back in Paradis, they'll try to separate Eren and us. Please, don't let them put me in another dark, cramped cell." Remembering those horrid moments where you stayed alone in the dark, with no knowledge of what was going on outside your cell and the mental and physical torture you went through. Even though it was the cause of your actions, you never wanted to go back there ever again.

"I won't let them do that, trust me." He said and kissed the back of your right hand like a chivalrous knight willing to do anything for his queen. You petted his beard before taking off his circular glasses and placing them on the table. Brushing up his shaggy blonde hair, you gave him a kiss on the lips which he gladly returned.

How you wish you could just stay like that.

Standing on top of the building, you watched from the distance as lights shined on the internment zone, indicating that the show is about to start

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Standing on top of the building, you watched from the distance as lights shined on the internment zone, indicating that the show is about to start. Marleyan troops and tanks are on standby as you keep your guard up. The telephone rang, and the aide-de-camp answered and relayed the message to you.

"Mr. Tybur wanted a final word with you." He handed the telephone to you and placed it on your right ear. "Yes?"

"(Y/n), me and Lara just wanted to say thank you for everything."

"Why do you sound like Lara isn't going to make it? Plus, I should be the one who should thank you. Couldn't be here without you guys." You tried to cheer them on, but deep down, you knew they will perish.

"You're the best older brother and sister that I have. Even though you keep rubbing the fact that I'm illegitimate." Willy chuckled at the other line as he looked at Lara with melancholic eyes. True, that he hated your father for ever cheating on their mother with a (L/n) and was glad that he had already passed down the Warhammer, but the moment he got the report of what happened to you and your mother, Willy had this tingling feeling that he has a responsibility. You are still the flesh of his father and you and him share the same blood.

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