╳ 51: Patience╳

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Third Person P.O.V.

It had been five days since the talk with Willy occurred. Now, (Y/n) knows what Zeke felt when he waited for her. He said to sit still, and it's not like you have a choice. Live like the rumbling will never happen. Eren's words echoed your thoughts as you try your hardest to forget the past. But how could you? You sighed as you looked at your reflection. Your (e/c) eyes were displaying brokenness and longing while your (h/l) (h/c) was disheveled.

You took out a wooden hairbrush from the drawer and began brushing your hair. Letting the tangled strands loosen, your eye saw a silhouette of a muscular man from the mirror, climbing on the cemented rail. You froze for a moment, observing what the man would do. Why did I leave my balcony door open?! Mentally slapping yourself, you cautiously put the hairbrush down on the vanity mirror.

You couldn't see how the intruder looked, but you were definitely ready to fight. Those years of being a soldier aren't going to be put to waste! Pretending that you didn't notice the man that was now walking towards the balcony door, you swiftly walked towards the bathroom and hid next to the door. God knows he is some kind of stalker or kidnapper! Knowing that the invader has come for you, you kept your gaze on the tiled floor, looking and waiting for his shadow to appear.

Just as you predicted, the mysterious man was walking towards the bathroom, making you spring your balled fist on his chest, causing him to stumble back and yelp in pain. He fell flat on the floor. Before you could even pounce at him and land a kick, he suddenly removed the scarf covering the lower part of his face to reveal his identity.

"Zeke?!" You gasped and immediately helped him up. He coughed a little while caressing his chest from the punch that you gave him.

"What are you doing here?!" As soon as he was about to answer, a knock on the door echoed in your room. You immediately hid him inside your closet and ran towards the door. Opening it as little as possible, you saw Lara in her pajamas, yawning while holding a lamp.

"It's bedtime. Should I keep you company?" She knew of your curse of being restless and tried her best to keep you company whenever she's in the mood but now is definitely not the time.

"Ughh... no thanks, Lara. I'm kind of sleepy myself." I hope she's not suspicious! She blinked her eyes at you skeptically for a moment before shrugging her shoulders to leave. "Alright, good night!" She left, making you close the door and locking it.

You sighed in relief as you leaned on the door. Zeke already made himself at home with his uniform trench coat hanging on the coat rack and him lying on the bed. "You're not supposed to be here?!" You whisper yelled and flopped your body towards him.

You were on top of Zeke's body with your right cheek resting on his firm chest while his rough fingers brushed your (h/l) (h/c). You listened to his beating heart as your left hand was intertwined with his right.

"How did you get past the guards?" (Y/n) asked. "I have my ways."

"Well, I'm glad you're here because I'm already missing you." You sat up to take a good look at his face on the dim light that your lamp gave on your right nightstand. Taking in his physical features, his deep dark eyes were filled with longing and his chiseled jawline clean from any facial hair. He sat up and leaned forward to say something that would trigger your hormones.

"I'm here to make love to you before I go." Zeke seductively whispered on your right ear, bringing goosebumps on your body and blood rushing towards your cheeks and ears. He gently nibbled on your ear as he tenderly pushed your shoulders to lay you down. Trailing his kisses towards your vulnerable neck, he gave you harsh love bites, causing a moan to escape your lips.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now