♕10: Grow Up♕

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Four years have passed since the last time you saw Erwin and Eren. Four years since the fall of Wall Maria. You never showed your face to Erwin until you ensure that you were the best of the best. However, you couldn't help yourself at times. You needed to know if they're okay, so you occasionally wrote to Erwin, to which he replies a day after. You read about the death of Isabel and Furlan, which made you sad. After all, she promised to come back. It only added fuel to your determination. Your habit of writing unsent letters to Zeke slowly subsided over the years because of the new life you have adjusted into. But you consistently remind yourself to conceal your titan powers whenever you get bruised or injured.

The night before your return to the new HQ of the Scout Regiment, Keith Shadis gave a letter to Erwin. It contains his remarks on your skills, abilities, and the reason why your training was extended for a year.

(F/n)(L/n) has exceedingly excelled in her combative and 3DMG skills. She mastered the ODM gear with flying colors. She's always rational with her decisions and does not let emotion distract her. However, she lacks leadership skills if she were to be given her own squad. A little too independent to be in a team. Her training extended for a year because of her age. I cannot allow a 10-year-old to be placed on the battlefield. Now that she's 11, I advise you to put her under your squad until she could go by herself.

Erwin smirked on the first three sentences, but then it shifted to a frown upon the following sentences. His expectations for you were met, but it always slipped his mind that you were just a kid. It was the day of your return to your family; you rode your horse named (h/n) to be at the new HQ early.

By the time you arrived there, everyone seems to be still fast asleep as you put your horse to the stables. The new HQ was smaller but a little more organized and intricate than the castle by the forest. You made your way to the kitchen to make one of your special tea. You set your bag down the counter and brought out a jar of dry tea leaves, which you've been saving up during your training. You no longer ask for help to reach the cupboards or to heat water as puberty was starting to hit you a little too hard.

You heard the doors of the dining hall followed by the echo of Hange's babbling mouth. You chuckled at how somethings never changed. Miche sniffed, which caught Hange's attention. "I smell tea leaves." Miche bluntly stated.

"Tea?" Hange uttered and went to the kitchen to find you pouring tea on teacups. 

"(Y/n)?!" Hange screamed and abruptly hugged you. You returned her hug as she realized that you were already on her chest level. 

"OH MY GOSH! It seems like only yesterday you're shorter than Shorty. Now you might be taller than him!" She babbles while still hugging you tightly and patting your hair.

"Oi! Brat! Four eyes! It's still early in the morning for you to scream." Levi said while he leaned on the kitchen door frame with his arms crossed. 

"Levi misses your tea! He's been groggy in the last four years that you were gone." Hange teased and took a cup of tea for her to drink and silently left.

"Hasn't his face looked groggy in the first place." You lightly teased with a half-smile as you finished pouring the tea. "Tch!" Levi scoffed and took one of your cups of warm tea.

"If I remember, correctly this is the second time you ever spoke to me," Levi said and leaned on the counter where he could see your back.

"Yes, Levi, it-." "It's Corporal Levi now." You weren't surprised that he earned his ranks. After all, he was entitled to Humanity's Strongest. 

"Oh! My apologies, Corporal." You scoffed as you turned around to face him. His face didn't change, still unimpressed and poker-faced. Your height, however, was already by his chin.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now