❂28: Burning Lights❂

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Bertolt, give Eren back." Mikasa coldly said as she peaks down on Bertolt.

"It's no use... I can't. Someone has to be the one to do it. Someone has to be the one to stain their hands with blood." Bertolt said as you clenched on the handles of your blade. The only person who really stained their hands is me. You thought to yourself as your heart thumped crazily. The nervousness was tying knots in your stomach, fearing the catastrophe that would happen if Bertolt revealed the truth.

You saw hordes of Pure Titans running in your direction. Erwin was leading the scouts as bait to lure the Pure Titans and use it to their advantage. Erwin, you genius! You immediately jumped out of the Armored Titan's shoulder, leaping far away from the chaos that is about to unravel. The cadets did the same and rode on their horses.

The Pure Titans gathered around the Armored Titan, who kept his hands crossed around his neck and attacked him. The Jaw Titan, protective of Historia, bit off every Pure Titan surrounding them.

"All soldiers, charge!" Erwin screamed as you rode your horse to follow behind him. "Give your heart!" He shouted and charged. Reiner finally released his hands from his neck, revealing Bertolt and Eren.

"Charge!" Erwin screamed but got his right arm caught by a Titan.

"ERWIN!" Without a second thought, you tugged your horse to chase after Erwin. Standing on the back of the horse carefully, you shot up your ODM on the back of the Titan that was biting off Erwin's arm.

"Advance! Eren is just ahead! Advance!" Erwin managed to scream. You swiftly sliced the nape of the beast and caught Erwin from falling hard on the ground.

"Erwin! What were you thinking?!" You shouted at the old man as you get up from the ground.

"This isn't the time to lecture me! Go and get Eren!" He shouted back as you cussed underneath your breath and rode your horse towards the battlefield. You sliced your way through some Pure Titans as you finally caught a glimpse of Eren and Mikasa. Mikasa was saved by Jean as you saw Armin still trying to confront Bertolt. You protected Armin from the Titans that were reaching him.

You were able to catch Armin saying about torturing Annie. What he did indeed worked, making Bertolt burst into anger. You took the opportunity to set Eren free from his tie and grabbed him by the waist.

"Go home!" (Y/n) shouted at Bertolt before throwing Eren to Mikasa. You landed on your horse and rode away from the chaos. The Armored Titan roared as you kept facing forward with Erwin beside you. The escape was stopped when Titans were thrown on the path up ahead. Smoke covered your vision as you try to look for Erwin. You ended up finding Mikasa and Eren.

"Mikasa!" You shouted as you went to them to get them on your horse. A rumbling footstep echoed as you looked up and saw a Pure Titan on your way. You put Mikasa's right arm on your shoulder to help her up as you untied Eren's hand. You felt their silence as you looked at both of them. Their faces were petrified. The Titan has an unusual sinister smile on its face as it looks down. It swung its right arm at the three of you but was suddenly protected by someone.

"Hannes!" Eren shouted as Hannes sliced off its thumb.

"I'm about to avenge your mother and butcher the hell out of it!" Hannes and shot himself up to fight the Pure Titan. You did the same and shot yourself up to slice through its ankles. Weirdly, the Titan you were fighting was swift to dodge you and Hannes, trying to swat you like flies. 

The Titan suddenly pointed its finger and found its way to pierce through your stomach halfway. It was enough to send you flying back to where Eren and Mikasa are. The pain traveled around your body as you landed violently on the ground.

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