☸41: Blindspotting☸

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Third Person P.O.V.

Everybody was whispering to one another while staring down at you

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Everybody was whispering to one another while staring down at you. They all wondered why a trial against the daughter of the late commander is being held. Historia took her seat at the high table while Darius Zackly was on the judge's bench beside her majesty. Sitting on the cold tiles with your legs crossed and hands behind your back, you made yourself comfortable with the metal pole serving as your backrest. The chains were entangled around the metal pole, making sure your upper body was immobilized.

"Thanks to these journals that Grisha wrote, we read from his journal that your Titan, the Spine, could not regenerate around a Royal blood and always submit to the Founding Titan. So, there's no point of you lying." Darius sternly looked at you, which you returned with an emotionless stare. The high-ranking officers of the three Regiments of Paradis were the only audience. Along with the nine soldiers who survived the battle at Shiganshina.

"Let's start off with a simple question. Which side are you on?" He leaned forward with his hands clasped in front of his face. Everybody remained silent and waited for your answer.

"I'm on nobody's side but myself."

"I figured you'd say that. Next, Erwin asked you where you're from, and you answered that you were a restless wanderer and you know nothing of where you came from. Is this a lie?"

"I never lied about being a restless wanderer, but I lied where I'm from."

"And where exactly are you from?"

"The same place where Eren's father came from, Marley."

"Right. Then could you tell us about your life in Marley before coming in here?"

"At the age of four, I committed genocide on my village by summoning the power of the Spine. I murdered my mother in the process, then I became a restless wanderer because Marley sought after me. After fifteen moons, Grisha Yeager's oldest son found me." Everyone gasped upon finding out that you have already bound yourself to such horrible deeds as a child.

"Zeke Yeager?"


"Please proceed."

"I lived under their roof for two years in which we fabricated a plan for the glory of Eldia, and so I came here to draw out the Founding Titan."

"I wonder if that plan of yours involves invasion of man-eating beasts. Now, let's get started with the more heated questions." He cracked his fingers as everyone whispered to one another. You heaved a heavy sigh knowing that you're about to meet your downfall.

"The battle at Shiganshina, you probably know what happened. Ergo, I would no longer go into the details. Were you under the Beast Titan's control when you killed the 199 scouts and recruits?" Everybody gasped at the last sentence while Squad Levi waited for your answer. They were sure you were under his control, so they didn't worry themselves. You remained silent, carefully thinking of the following words that would slip out of your mouth.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now