✵37: Salvation✵

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Third Person P.O.V.

The next day, [Y/n] was sitting at the table at the mess hall eating breakfast. Hange sat beside you on your left while Erwin was across you, sipping coffee. You were relieved that you didn't have morning sickness, and you seem to be blooming. Sure, Levi did ravish you with love after he made you tea last night and his touch still lingers your skin. Your legs were a bit weak because of it, and your office table was now a little bent, reminding who you belong to.

"Here." A cup of white tea was placed on your right, then heard a wooden chair being pulled. He's showy. You thought as you beamed Levi a simple smile, gesturing a thank you.

"What about my tea?" Hange teased while teasingly nudging your left arm. You still kept a calm demeanor as you took a bite of your fried eggs.

"Shut it, shitty-glasses." Levi plainly scoffed as he takes a sip of tea. You suddenly felt somebody's presence behind you, and before you could turn to look, you saw a hand placing a plate of strawberry shortcake on your left. Looking upon your left, you saw Eren nervously smiling. Right in front of Levi! Seriously?!

"What's with the cake, brat?" Levi sternly asked as he glared at Eren.

"Uhmm...I knew this is her favorite dessert, so I thought I'd give her one," Eren explained as he rubbed the back of his head. Obviously intimidated by his superior. You couldn't resist the sweet craving as you eyed the dessert, completely ignoring the tension between Levi and Eren.

"Thank you." You uttered and gleamed a cheerful grin, causing Eren to blush bright red. You proceeded on finishing your breakfast which was the signal for Eren to take his leave. It was evident in Levi's dull eyes that he was pissed with Eren. You took a sip of the still warm white tea relishing the delicate sweetness. After doing so, you happily took a spoon of the strawberry shortcake, savoring its sweetness. Erwin and Hange were amazed at how you blissfully ate and drank.

"She's more enthusiastic than before," Hange said, smiling and finished her coffee.

"Maybe it's because of her admirers' gifts," Erwin added as he picked up his dirty dishes.

On the table just across [Y/n]'s, Eren watched as you finished the dessert he gave you. It crept a smile on his face seeing that jolly side of you. It didn't take long for Jean to notice Eren's gaze focused on your figure, that was picking up the dishes.

"Oi, stop eyeing (Y/n), or Captain would murder you." Jean snickered as Eren snapped out and shifted his gaze on Levi, who was still glaring at him. Levi's death glare was enough for Eren to look away.

Later that morning, Mikasa and [Y/n] went to the field to kill time by practicing hand-to-hand combat

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Later that morning, Mikasa and [Y/n] went to the field to kill time by practicing hand-to-hand combat. Wearing only a sports bra and boxer shorts, the both of you were outside in the open with a few cadets and recruits passing by. You wrapped a bandage around your knuckles until below your wrists while Mikasa wore a thin black boxing glove.

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