♟65: Glimpse of the Past♟

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Warning: Contains major spoilers from the manga! You have been warned once again

Third Person P.O.V.

Countless memories spread and shattered into a million pieces as the boy who sought freedom entered into the domain of Ymir. Boundless sand and a colored azure and deep baby blue pillar of light were all Eren could see. 

As soon as he asked where he was, the sound of metal clanking reverberated the Paths. He turned around and saw his older brother Zeke, whose hair and beard grew longer and his features seem older.

Chains all wrapped up around his neck as you were in deep slumber in his arms. Your hair has gray strands, and you have some wrinkles around your face while your hands were placed on the middle of your chest like the sleeping beauty waiting to be awoken. There was still a hole in your chest and forehead, but no blood came out from it.

"The coordinate where all paths converge," Zeke answered as he kept his gaze locked on you. 

"I believe this must be where those in the royal family, who inherited the founder and make us of its full power when the Spine is with them."


"I have been waiting for so long, Eren. I feel as though I've sat here holding (Y/n) while waiting for you to recover and awaken."

"Have years passed?" His little brother asked as he looked down on your body that seemed to be lost in a dream. 

"I don't know, but what happened here takes place in the blink of an eye. Gabi shot (Y/n) on the chest and head while your head was blown off. But I was able to make contact with both of you before your lives fully ended. We succeeded. We gained the full power of the Founder."

A silhouette of a young girl with platinum blonde hair made Eren turn around. "That is Ymir, the founder, and (Y/n)'s creator."

Eren returned his gaze at him and onto you.

"Why is (Y/n) still asleep?" Eren asked as Zeke brushed away the strand of (h/c) hair covering your face. He frowned at your state as he fragilely laid you down on the soft sand. 

"She's bound to what Ymir says, and she'll only wake up unless she says so."

The young girl with tattered clothes walked towards them. Zeke told Eren about Ymir wandering off here alone and how she rebuilt his body just like your ancestors, made out of soil and clay.

"You've been here all this time, alone?" Eren sympathized with Ymir as his teal-green orbs looked at her.

"Command our Founder, Eren. The time has come for our dream to be realized." Eren shifted his gaze once again to Zeke and finally noticed the chains bounding him on the sand by the neck. 

Zeke knew that Eren is the only person who could freely move while you were bound to the commands that Ymir shall give out. Those chains around his neck hamper him because of the vow to renounce war.

Eren's glowing orbs blankly stared at Zeke as he spoke once again. "Please, you must save the world. My dream, Mr. Ksaver's, (Y/n) and her son... and your dream."

Eren remained silent as Zeke became desperate. His teal green orbs stared down at him in disbelief. "You want me to euthanize every Eldian?"

"Tell our Founder! Tell her to give every Eldian a body that will never again be capable of bearing a child! Crushing the allied forces with the rumbling can wait! Eren?" Zeke was hopeful that of all people, his younger brother would understand.

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