♟57: Brothers♟

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Third Person P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since Zeke left for Fort Slava, and it was time for (Y/n) to do her part on their secret plan. She went down the car as the maidservants greeted her.

"Alas! My half-sister, you have returned!" Willy said while keeping the cigarette on his lips. He never ceased to rub the fact that you were illegitimate at your face, but you were used to it. You pinched your nose at the smell of the intoxicating smoke coming from him. "Please, don't smoke."

"Eh? I know you smoke too, but why are, making me stop now." He asked as he pushed it down on the ashtray, killing it.

"Because I hate it for now-" "Auntie (Y/n)!" You heard four little children scream from the other side of the living room. They all ran up to you and hugged you. "Hey! You little rascals!" You chuckled as you ruffled their hair.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Lara remarked as she sat on the chair across from you. "Same here."

"What are we going to discuss?" Willy asked. "I think it's best if only the three of us are here."

Lara told Willy's children to leave, leaving the three of you. "Marley has grown weak these past few years. It's posing a threat to the Eldians and our family as well." You stated.

"I did hear that their scout ships haven't returned from Paradis," Lara stated.

"And what are you proposing we do, (Y/n)?" Willy rested his elbows on his knees as he anticipated what your plan is.

"The Tybur family is one of the most influential families in this continent despite being Eldians. You have to form an alliance with more foreigners and remind them of the threat that the island of devils poses." You said in an urgent tone. There was a moment of silence between them as this plan of yours would mean they would have to come out of the shadows. However, Willy has been waiting for this time to come, and he was prepared for it.

"If I would agree to that plan, then you know I would be asking you a favor in return."

"I am aware of that, brother. Our enemy is already on the move."

You told them that they have to reveal the true history behind the Great Titan War. Though the fabricated history of King Fritz being in anguish was true, it didn't change the fact that your ancestors were forced to be concubines. If they didn't escape, then the gruesome tradition goes on.

"Everybody would listen to you, Willy." Lara agreed with your plan as you took a sip of wine served on the coffee table.

"Indeed, but I would have to ask for the assistance of Commander Magath. I get this feeling that there would be an attempt of assassination. Now, for your condition, (Y/n)." Willy leaned back on the couch as he stared up at the shining chandelier. Deep in the back of your head, you knew he would ask you to fight, but his terms were more than you expected.

"Once I talk to Commander Magath, I'm going to ask him to put you in the ranks. Your past knowledge and experience in Paradis would put them at an advantage.

 Your past knowledge and experience in Paradis would put them at an advantage

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