♕12: Respect♕

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Trainees gathered in the mess hall while I kept my distance. Some trainees recognize me and silently scurry away from me while others thought I was one of them, so they smiled at me, which I gladly return. It is one of Erwin's commands to make friends.

"What is that?"

"The dropouts, they requested a transfer to the frontier."

"What?! It's only the first day!"

"It was only a matter of time... If you are not strong enough, you have to leave. Hard to believe. They would rather go back to weeding and picking up rocks."

My gaze followed the wagon of dropouts that pierced guilt into my chest. I leaned on the wooden rail as I watched trainees socialize and line up for dinner. Light footsteps made their way on my right, and I glanced to see Eren, who was staring back at me.

"It's rude to stare at a woman, you know?" I stated with a smirk on my face. He suddenly blushed and rubbed the back of his head as he looked away.

"You just seem familiar... so I could not help it." He said. I lightly chuckled at his reason and crossed my arms. He does not completely recognize me.

"Eren, that is L-Lance Corporal (Y/n)." A yellow-haired boy with ocean blue eyes stuttered as he looked at us. Eren's eyes widened as he bowed his head multiple times.

"I'm so sorry! I did not recognize it was my superior! Forgive me!" He repeatedly said while I just gave a smile and gestured him to stop.

"I am Lance Corporal (Y/n), but I do recall you, Eren," I said, which earned a puzzling look from him and other trainees that were listening.

"You hit a citizen with your firewood because you saw how offended I was from their bickering."

"Wha-what? You ran off quickly, and we did not catch your name!" Eren cheerfully said and gave a cheeky smile. My hands could not help but pinch his cheeks. 

"It's been so long, Eren, but I am still taller than you!" I said as I squished his cheeks and ruffled his hair.

"Sorry for mentioning this... but you look and act like a different person." I let go of Eren's cheeks looked at the cute freckled boy who was smiling in nervousness.

"If you're talking about my authoritative personality, I guess it can't be helped. It's off training hours, so I had to drop the act." They gave me a dumbfounded reaction which I returned with a frown. 

"Would you rather have the scary one even off training hours or not?" I scoffed, which made them sweat.

"N-no! We like this version of you!" Yellow hair boy said. I gave them my sweetest smile and asked them to join me for dinner. Eren and I sat at the same table, and he gets bombarded with questions about the destruction of Shiganshina. I just kept eating food while listening to his story. For a moment, I completely forgot that there are nations outside the wall, and the only reason I am here is because of Marley. I suddenly felt some eyes staring at me as I finished my food. My eyes wandered as I try to find the people staring at me and saw Reiner and Bertholdt across the table. I was about to walk towards them, but I heard someone talking to me.

"Uhmm... if you don't mind me asking Lance Corporal -"

"Please, call me (Y/n). It's off training hours." I cut Mika off as I gestured her to continue. Eren's folk suddenly shifted their attention to me with anticipation.

"Umm... How old are you?" Mika asked with a shaky voice which caught me off guard. If they find out about my age, they will lose their respect for me, but they will find out either way. I just hope they will not disrespect me if I admit it. I could feel my cheeks burning as I try to utter a word. The social anxiety suddenly came knocking.

"I'm fourteen."

"EHHHHHHHHH?!" I heard them reacted, and I just bowed my head in embarrassment.

"She's just one or two years older?!" They murmured amongst themselves as I felt someone tapped my shoulders.

"That's amazing! That means when we met you were already training?!" Eren said with his eyes shining in amazement. I plastered a simple smile and placed my dish on the counter. I just leaned my left side on a post near Eren's seat as he talks about joining the Survey Corps. He was suddenly cut off by the bi-colored horse face.

"Hey, are you nuts? Did you just say you want to join the Survey Corps?"

I just watched in amusement as the tension between them grew stronger.

"Are you not going to stop them?" Mikasa monotonously asked as she stood beside me.

"Nope, it'll die down," I reassured her.

"I hardly recognize you from the last time we saw you," Mikasa said with her blank face. She reminds me of Levi with his poker face.

"Did I change that much?" I asked as we saw Eren walking out of the mess hall. She shook her head, and we followed behind Eren.

"H-hey you..." I glanced back and saw Jean staring at Mikasa with his cheeks turning light pink. Mikasa waited for whatever Jean was going to say, but only stuttered how she looks different from the others. I suddenly wrapped my left arm around Mikasa's shoulder and pulled her close to me.

"Thanks for the compliment, Jean, but this girl is mine for the taking!" I teased and gently pulled Mikasa out of the mess hall, which left Jean with his mouth open.

We caught up with Eren, and I let go of Mikasa. I glanced at her and saw her blushing.

"W-what did you do t-that for?" Mikasa stuttered, and I just gleamed a smile.

"Nothing, but it was nice to see you blush." I teased Mikasa, which made her cover herself with the red scarf. Mikasa changed the topic by lecturing Eren about his temper.

"Anyway, isn't your hair a little long? It could cause an accident when you're practicing with the Maneuver Gear." Eren said as he brushed his hand on her hair.

"I'll cut it for you, Mikasa. I know you wouldn't want uneven lengths showing right?" I said, and Mikasa nodded in agreement.

The night went on with me, Eren, and Mikasa catching up with the things we missed and telling our stories. Before going back to my deckhouse, I used razor-sharp scissors to cut Mikasa's hair short. The cricket noise echoed outside Mikasa's quarters, and it was time for me to go back and have my rest. 


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Another update! Hooray! Thoughts?


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