❂24: Reconciliation❂

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Zeke and I went to an abandoned castle southwest from the base, where I almost fought him. We were brought there by a 13-meter class Pure Titan on its palms, and it was an awkward ride. Staring at the setting sun on top of the tower, I looked at Zeke, a little overwhelmed by everything that was happening. He lit a cigarette and placed it in between his lips.

"Since when did you start smoking?" I asked as I remove the straps and my gears.

"18," He answered and huffed out smoke. He's so much different and unrecognizable because of his beard and mustache.

"Oh..." No other words came out of my mouth as I sat down on the cold ground and leaned my back on the wall. We were on the tower of the castle as Zeke finished his cigarette and threw it aside.

"Is that all you're going to say after we haven't seen each other for about eleven years?" He asked with his deep voice and sat down next to me. His eyes kept scanning every inch of my body, making me a little uncomfortable.

"That's the thing. A lot could change in a decade. I feel like I'm talking to a person or a stranger I barely knew." I said and felt his gaze on me.

"Ouch, (Y/n), that hurts." He said emotionlessly. I lightly chuckled at his reaction and faced him. My right hand reached out to his beard and petted it like a cat.

"It's because you grew a beard that I don't recognize you." I teased as he melted on my touch.

"I should shave it then." He halfheartedly smiled and lightly pushed his glasses up. His left hand reached out to my left cheek and cupped it, which reminded me of how he wiped my tears when I was about to leave Marley. He might still be the boy that rescued me.

"You don't have to. It's like I'm petting a furry animal right now, and I got the perfect pet name for you." I sheepishly smiled as he leaned forward in anticipation.


"Well, that's a stupid name"

"It suits you!" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Fine, childishly arguing with you right now would be pointless." Raising his hands in surrender, I stuck my tongue out to gesture that he lost. "So, you've finally inherited Mr. Ksaver's Titan."

"Yeah... So, what happened to you here?" He asked and fished out another stick of cigarette. I quickly grabbed the cigarette and threw it away, making it fall from the tall tower.

"Don't smoke in front of me if you want to find out," I said while furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"Yes, mom."

"How should I start?" Placing my chin on my palm, with my elbows resting on my crossed legs.

"I got here. I attacked the battleship and ran. Then, I was found in the forest by the commander. He adopted me and is a great father. And I have a mad scientist like an older sister, met a clean freak. Then, I came across a weird doctor and caught a glimpse of the future-"

"I'm going to stop you right there; you're talking way too fast," Zeke said while raising his two hands, gesturing me to stop. "I'll just ask questions one by one, so I could catch up." He stood up and went downstairs.

"Pshh... Boomer." I rolled my eyes and looked at the sky that was starting to get dark. I then followed him down. He set up a campfire and placed a kettle on top of an elevated mesh gauze. I leaned my back against the wall while he tended the fire.

"First question, where's the ring?" He asked without looking at me. How am I supposed to say this? I handed it to the boy I just had sex with, but we don't really have a label. That's messed up. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I just gave Zeke a cheeky smile, hoping he would move to the next question.

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now