♕21: Hold me tight♕

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Warning: Longest Chapter so far! Contains Lemons/Sexual Content

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Third Person P.O.V.

The remaining cadets gathered the corpses in the wagon as [Y/n] held a wooden pail of water for her horse, who was lucky enough to live. My horse survived, but Levi's squad didn't. The price I had to pay to death just to buy time. [Y/n] watched as Levi knelt down in front of his squad's corpses.

"How long do you think we can survive?" Connie asked while giving water to his horse as well.

"We've managed so far, at least," Sasha said while staring at the setting sun. "Yeah, so far."

"We should be glad. We're still alive." Sasha said with optimism.

"Can you say that to the bodies of the people who died?" Connie said with a dark and low voice. Wrapping up corpses of their comrade and declaring them dead or missing are depressing sites to see when [Y/n] managed to survive. Deathly silence suddenly filled the air as Sasha tries to think of the words she would say.

"No, but they expect you to give purpose and significance for their deaths. I've been in the Scout Regiment all my life, and I got used to having death for breakfast whenever we come back from an expedition." [Y/n] said as she placed the pail down and patted her horse.

"Lafayette?!" A soldier screamed, causing her to glance in the direction. "What happened to his body?" The same soldier wailed as some gathered to look at the body.

"Are you sure that's him?" "His face is so distorted." "His part of the right-wing, right?" "He looks more like he was stomped by a horse than getting eaten by a Titan."

Soldiers mumbled and debated about what could have happened to Lafayette. [Y/n] remained silent and looked at her sleeves that were a little stain by his blood. [Y/n]'s silence and glances at the small crowd gathering around Lafayette's corpse caught the attention of Erwin. He walked up behind her and patted her head.

"I shouldn't have put you at the right-wing formation," Erwin said with a sad tone. [Y/n] bowed her head as she recalled how cold she was staring at the helpless cadet. Her father figure does not even have the slightest idea of what she did, which just made her uncomfortable. Erwin thought she was going through one of those traumatic phases in every expedition.

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