♕6: Solace♕

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I kept moving forward as the sun was slowly setting. The desert wind unhurriedly got colder as I felt my titan body strength decreasing. After a few more minutes, I was at the end of the desert. There was a mountain that separates the desert from the other side.

It would waste precious time to climb up this mountain with my tiny human legs. With the remaining strength of my titan body, I walked up the height. The birds of the forest flew up because of the rumbling sounds that my footsteps are making. The sun has gone, and I was already on the crest of the mountain. The moon lighted up a beautiful vast field on the base.

My titan body knelt down, and I pulled myself out from the nape. Staying on the ground would be dangerous since it is creeping with pure titans. I jumped out of my titan body and landed on the nearest tree branch. I kept jumping from one tree branch to another until I found the one that feels strong enough to carry my weight. I leaned on the tree and stared at the night sky. My eyes suddenly felt heavy as I struggled to keep myself awake, and my head felt was wobbling. I pinched myself to feel the pain that would wake me up, but it was useless.

I rested my head on the tree as I drifted off to sleep. So, this is the sleep that I was deprived of. It gives me solace.

The wind sent shivers down my spine as I grunted in my position

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The wind sent shivers down my spine as I grunted in my position. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the first light of the morning on the east. How long was I asleep? Two years of no rest could've certainly caused me to sleep too long. I thought to myself and stretched my back. I sighed in relief to see myself still on the same tree branch. I finished the leftover food that I had and continued my journey.

The vast field of meadow flowers kept me in awe as I brushed my fingers to the grass and petals. I kept walking until the sky became grey and it started pouring. Great! Now I'm soaking wet. It's something I now hate most, getting me and my clothes wet without my consent. I pouted to the sky and continued walking.


I glanced up to my left saw a black smoke shot up into the sky. Could it be? People? I thought to myself and stood still in my position. The sound of horses galloping toward my direction got my legs shaking. Soldiers riding horses came out with a pure titan running after them. My knees got weak, and I fell facedown while covering my head. I looked up and saw the titan reaching its hands to grab me. My eyes were immediately filled with tears as I whimpered in terror.

Suddenly, a buff soldier wearing a dark green cape came zipping down and slashed the titan's nape before it could even grab me. Frozen in my position, the soldier that saved me removed his hood. He has blonde-brunette hair and has weirdly thick eyebrows.

Third Person P.O.V.

A kid outside the wall? Erwin thought and looked at the terrified kid with (h/c) hair in front of him. You were still on the ground staring at Erwin with your hopeful eyes. You then stood up and patted the dirt and dust off your clothes. He knelt down her level and examined how you looked. Startled by Erwin's intimating look, you wiped your tears away because of the recent attack.

"What is your name?" Erwin asked as softly as he could, knowing he wasn't good with kids. He was anticipating for you to cry because of his deep voice. You weren't scared of his deep voice, but you found it magnificent. You beamed your cutest smile and stated your name with joy.

"(F/n) (L/n)" Perhaps, it is because you are looking at a father figure in front of you or the fact that he saved you, which made your heart euphoric. Surprised by your reaction, Erwin beamed with a small smile.

"Where did you come from?" Erwin asked, which set you back. Your cheerful smile turned into a frown as you looked down the ground. "I'm a restless wanderer, good sir. I really don't know where I'm from." Fortunately, for a six-year-old kid, you learned to lie for a good reason. Erwin gave you a sympathetic look and stood up.

"What do you say you come home with us?" He said and offered his hand. Upon hearing those words, you took his hand and nodded yes.

"Miche, fire up the yellow signal," Erwin said. Miche shot up the flare gun into the sky. You were placed on Erwin's horse while Erwin sits behind you. His buff left arm held you close while his right held the reins.

After a few hours of striding, you saw a towering wall that was as wide as the eye could see. Your jaw dropped at the sight of the enormous wall. Erwin smirked at how amazed your reaction was to the wall. The Survey Corp went back to their castle-like headquarters along with you. Erwin brought you down gently from his horse as you just were silent and observant.

"Didn't expect the expedition to end so early." Darius Zackly said as Erwin handed the reins of his horse to the stable holder. You held onto Erwin's left hand and hid behind back. Erwin didn't mind how your small hands were tightly gripping his left hand.

"There has been an astonishing discovery," Erwin said and glanced down at you. Darius followed the direction to where Erwin glanced and saw you. Darius eyed you suspiciously and faced Erwin. "Let's discuss this later, Commander." He said and left. Erwin carried you in his shoulders and brought you to a mess hall where all the scouts were feasting.

"Hange!" Erwin called to the cadet. A woman will goggle glasses and brown hair appeared while holding a glass of water. Hange saw the kid on Erwin's shoulder and looked at him with a questioning expression. Your chin was placed on top of Erwin's head while your hands were held under his neck.

"If you don't mind, Commander. Is she your daughter?" Hange asked while you were just there staring at her, expressionless.

"We found her outside the wall, and I think she's a keeper." He chuckled at Hange's expression and brought you down. "I'll convince Darius to let this kid stay with us." He said and knelt down on your level.

"(Y/n), this is Hange. While I'm gone, be a good girl to Hange, and don't be shy to ask her anything you need." He said and patted your head before leaving. Your eyes followed Erwin's figure until it disappeared. You then shifted your attention to Hange looking at you sternly, which you gladly returned.

*Stomach grumble*

You blushed at the embarrassing sound of your stomach and clutched your stomach. Hange, having her first babysitting duty, found your reaction cute as she didn't waste time screaming at your cuteness. "You're such an adorable little one! C'mon, I'll feed you!" She cooed and placed you on a table with other soldiers eating.

"Here!" Hange handed you a bowl of potato soup. She looked at you with gleaming eyes as she watched you consume your food. You were quite surprised by her outburst about your face, but you still remained silent. "Whose kid is that?" One of the scouts that were sitting at the same table asked Hange. "Nobody in particular, but I bet Erwin will adopt her," Hange said.

"Uhmm... c-could I have some more?" You said as you were flustered with the eyes staring at you. "Waaahhhh!! So adorable!!" Everyone on the table cheered. Meanwhile, Erwin met with Darius at his office to discuss your situation.

"You know that she should be handed to the Military police for questioning," Darius stated as he stared at Erwin with all seriousness. "She's just a kid, General. She knows nothing from which she came from." Erwin said and returned the look with furrowed eyebrows. The silence filled the office with tension.

"If it's okay, General. I'll take custody of this kid, and she'll be part of the Scout Regiment when she's ready. Maybe then, she'll help us what the outside world looks like." Erwin said with a self-assured look. "Of course, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this confidential from the public," Erwin added, which earned a deadpan look from Darius.

"Very well, agreed. As long as that gives us a step forward to knowing what's out there."

Restless Wanderer (Zeke x Reader x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now