♕11: Intimidation♕

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Third Person P.O.V.

You left your office with a thick load of paper works to be given to Levi. You carefully made your way to his office while your chin kept supporting the folders. Finally, at the front of his office door, you were about to knock using your foot when the door suddenly opened to reveal Levi and his emotionless face.

"Are you planning on dumping your paper works on me?" Levi asked as he looked at you pathetically.

"I have to. I'll be leaving to train the 104th cadets later afternoon." You said as you try to keep your composure together. 

"Finish it yourself." He bluntly said and started closing the door, but your left foot blocked it. Levi intentionally squeezed your foot a bit with the door, but you dare not show the pain.

"Please, Corporal." You gave up and pleaded as your sweats drop. The door slowly opened with Levi and his brows slightly raised. Obviously, he was mocking you, but you needed this to be over, so you could leave for the training. 

"Lance Corporal (F/n), Erwin's Right Hand, pleading me to take her paper works?" He teased with a sinister stare. You rolled your eyes and started walking away to gesture to go fuck-himself-if-you-don't-want-help-me.

"Tch," He took your folders and shut the door, leaving you astounded by his reaction. You wore your olive-green scout uniform and tied your hair into a military ponytail. Your horse was already at the courtyard with Erwin waiting for you by the door.

"Report to me every end of activities and training. Focus on those who have both the potential and drive to save humanity." Erwin reminded as he watched you sat on the saddle of your horse. "Yes, sir." You answered with all respect. 

"And you are permitted to have a boyfriend or girlfriend with the soon-to-be cadets." Erwin tried to tease you, but it just annoyed you. 

"A girlfriend sounds more convenient." You smirked at your answer as you picked up the reins.

"Perhaps, you'd like to date Corporal Levi Ackermann." Erwin grinned. 

"He's too much of a clean freak for me, plus, he's more likely to be a celibate." You responded with a straight face, unhappy with what Erwin just told you. Regardless, this made your heart flutter at the thought that your father figure has your blessing. You stroked the reins and left the HQ.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

By the time I reached the training grounds, the trainees were all lined up under the scorching sun. I gave the trainees an intimidating stare while without getting down from the horse to show them that I'm an authoritative one.

"This is Lance Corporal (F/n) (L/n), the youngest member of the 101st Cadets and Scout Regiment. It is your greatest misfortune to have her as your instructor." Keith Shadis announced as he began the intimidation test. The trainees' reactions to the announcement of my presence were a mix of amazement and fear. I walked in between rows of trainees and eyed each and every soldier emotionlessly.

"Who the hell are you?!" 

"Jean Kirschtein, from Trost District!" 

"Why are you here?" 

"To join the Military Police Regiment and live in the interior." Fucking idiot.

"Oh, you want to live in the interior, do you?" 

"Yes!" He's going to get a beating. I ignored how the horse-looking idiot was beat and kept eyeing every trainee until I saw a familiar face. Eren? Mikasa? I looked at Eren in the eye with my face still unfazed and moved forward. My right hand fiddled with the sharp pin of my ring. I have my titan-shifting in extreme control as I was obviously trying to get a reaction from any of them, just in case, someone came from outside the wall. Most of them were stiff and silent. I suddenly heard someone crunching on something. I looked on my right and saw a girl with hazelnut hair chewing on a steamed potato.

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