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THREE DAYS UNTIL Halloween. Time was inching along. Molly stared at the clock during her business law class. She really needed to take better notes, but she found herself writing Jordan's name repeatedly like a teenager. She sighed and refocused on her professor. When class was over, she felt fairly confident she had enough notes to tell her that Jordan had a great name and that warranties were boring.

As Molly walked out of her class, she saw him again. The tall blond guy dressed in jeans and a hoodie that was standing outside her building this morning was now in the hall by her door. She'd never seen him around campus before this week, but she kept seeing him everywhere now. He looked older, like he was in his mid to late twenties. He was hard to miss. He was more muscular than half of the guys on campus, but the way he dressed set him apart. His clothes were always brand name and expensive, although his shoes were old and worn. Something just didn't fit. He had his backpack slung over his shoulder and always seemed to have his face buried in a book. Molly  glanced at him as she left her class. He didn't seem to notice her. Molly shrugged as she rounded the corner and made her way across campus toward the music building. She'd told Zoe she would come to hear her practice the piece she was working on. Zoe had been secretive about it, and this was the first time she was letting her hear something before it was finished. It must have been almost done since she was giving her a sneak peek.

Molly entered the music building and noticed the class door was still closed. She peered through the small opening and saw Zoe alternating between chewing on her pencil and twirling her blue streak around her finger. The professor was still speaking. Molly  checked her phone. It was only 2:45 p.m. She did some math in her head before she realized she was early for Zoe but just in time for a quick call. She dialed his number.

"Molly? Is everything okay?"

"Why are you so paranoid? Can't a girl call her boyfriend just to say hi?"

"Boyfriend, huh? Is that what you call me?"

Molly slid to the floor outside the classroom and criss-crossed her legs. "Lover?"

Jordan chuckled.

"Are you not my boyfriend?" Molly questioned.

"I'll be anything you want me to be," he said through an obvious smile.

"Hmm... This poses another question in my mind."

Jordan sighed. "Let me have it."

"If you're not my boyfriend, then what are you? Is this a relationship or a fling? Are we dating or are we just messing around?"

"It's definitely not a fling. I'm obsessed with you. I do love to mess around with you, but I'd also be happy to have the chance to date you as well. Boyfriend works, I suppose. I've just never heard you say the word before."

Molly smiled to herself. "Well, I never thought I'd use your name and boyfriend in the same sentence either."

"So, what's up, babe? What did I do to deserve a call in the middle of the day?"

"I was just in business law and I couldn't focus because I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"That is a problem. You may need some extra counseling for your infatuation with me. Fortunately for you, I happen to know a cure for what ails you."

"Do tell, Dr. Knight." Molly glanced around quickly to make sure no one heard her say his name.

"First, you need several doses of sex with me, followed by massive amounts of kissing, and finally, the most important medicine of all..."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now