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Molly had set her alarm for 6 a.m. Sidney had said she would be there to get her at 7:30. Yesterday had been an interesting day, although quite overwhelming. Sidney had been a wonderful and patient teacher. The whole day, Molly had thought about what she would say to Jordan when she saw him. She'd tried to apologize at lunch but he wanted nothing to do with her. She really had made a mess of things. After eating her lunch, she pulled out the contact list and decided to call Callie.

She explained to her what had happened and Callie thought it was hilarious. Molly apologized for being so rude and explained that she had no right to act the way she did. Callie was very understanding and told her that her brother could be pig headed at times. They really hit it off. Molly couldn't believe that Callie seemed to be as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. She kind of reminded her of Zoe. When Molly offered to take her to lunch sometime, Callie jumped all over it. She said she was excited to have a new friend.

The rest of the day went by quickly as long as Molly was working and not thinking. After Jordan had called Sidney, Sidney knew something was up. She had said, "What happened between you two? He's been moping the whole day and you haven't been your usual bright and cheery self. At first I chalked it up to way too much info on the first day, but after he avoided you at lunch and said he didn't want to take you home, I figured something was up."

"He doesn't want to take me home?" Molly asked sadly.

"Er, well that's not exactly what he said. He said he was going to be here for a while and asked if I could drive you."

Molly put her head down and sighed heavily. Sidney stared at her for a moment, told her to grab her purse, and said they'd talk in the car. They'd left right away after walking Murphy. In the car, Molly spilled the whole awkward situation to Sidney. Sidney was laughing the entire time and Molly's mood brightened. Molly started to find herself laughing about it too. Sidney had told her not to worry. She'd said that she had noticed a change in Jordan since he had met her. It made Molly smile but she was determined to keep her relationship with Jordan completely professional from then on out. Molly had asked Sidney if she knew if there was a grocery store within walking distance of Jordan's building. When Molly explained that Jordan's fridge was barren and that she thought she'd get him some groceries, Sidney had thought it was a fantastic idea. Molly and Sidney had a blast walking through the store, planning meals, and talking. Sidney told Molly all of Jordan's favorite foods along with a few frightening stories about the things she had found growing in his fridge.

Sidney had helped Molly bring everything in before she hugged her and told her to keep her chin up. She told Molly that sulking and over-apologizing wouldn't win her any points. "Just say you're sorry and move forward."

After Sidney left, Molly considered everything and took it to heart. She didn't think Jordan had eaten more than a sandwich; she'd been watching him the whole day. Molly decided to make him dinner. Her mom had taught her how to make a few dishes and Molly loved to cook. Jordan's kitchen was a dream. After she ate her own meal and cleaned up, she wrote him a note.

Molly had gone to her room and closed her door when she felt her emotions kicking in, so she called Zoe. She was extremely happy to hear Zoe's voice, but she didn't unload on her. She didn't want Zoe to worry. She made everything seem like it was going well and Zoe was having such a good time in Mexico that she bought the whole thing. Molly had heard Jordan come in. She ended her call with Zoe and switched off the light. In her heart, she missed him, but she fought the urge to run out and talk to him. She remembered what Sidney had said and she planned on acting like nothing had happened the next day. She closed her eyes and only let one tear escape before she closed the door on the day.

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