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SHE'D HEARD EVERY word. With every single sentence, she could feel the knife pulling from her chest, except when Allison talked about his body. It twisted slightly before she wanted to charge into the room and put her hands around Allison's scrawny little neck. Sidney was right. There was another side to the story. Zoe had watched her face contort, smile, twist and frown as she listened on the earpiece. She kept mouthing, What? What did he say? What did she say? Rob put his hand up to her and Molly heard him whisper,

"She can't talk and listen at the same time."

Then Zoe said, "I need to know. This is ridiculous."

Rob whispered, "Have a little patience."

Then Zoe pounded her foot like a five-year-old and gritted her teeth at him. "Don't tell me what to do, secret agent man!"

Rob crossed his arms, and Zoe mimicked his movement as they stared at each other. Molly listened to Jordan as she watched them. They were adorable together. A little skip in her heart gave her hope that maybe they all could find some form of happiness.

She'd heard Allison's confession and Jordan's countless professions of love and devotion to Molly. She hated to admit it, but she loved the way he'd refused Allison, even though she'd really wanted him. She actually felt a little sorry for Allison. Molly knew what it felt like to want but not get him. She never wanted to feel that way again.

When he exited the room, Molly removed the earpiece from her ear and handed it back to Rob. Jordan stood stiff at the door and stared at her, waiting for some sort of reaction. As she turned from Rob to Jordan, their eyes met. He released a heavy breath from his lips as he lowered his head to look at her from the tops of his eyes. She bit her lip as her eyes softened and he smiled, bigger than she'd ever seen. She charged the small space between them and flew into his waiting arms.

He swung her off the floor and twirled her around as she flung her arms around his neck.

"What the fuck?" Zoe said. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?"

Jordan stopped and lowered Molly to the floor, cupping her face in his hands and staring lovingly into her eyes.

"I'd say everything's fine," Rob sighed.

Zoe glared at him as her neck twisted. "No shit, Sherlock. I just want to know what she said. Do you always state the obvious?"

Jordan's and Molly's eyes glazed as they stared at each other, not moving an inch. Molly couldn't take her eyes off of him. He hadn't cheated on her. He was still hers.

"I should have never doubted you," she said.

"I know why you did. The pictures were hard to ignore."

"You love me, don't you?" she asked playfully.

"I really, really do," he responded, placing his lips softly on her forehead. Molly closed her eyes and took a long, lingering breath, taking in everything around her: his smell, which made her weak; his strong hands on her cheeks; and his soft lips on her head. The relief came off her in waves, along with the weight of the world.

Rob cleared his throat. She and Jordan turned their heads to see Rob waiting patiently and Zoe tapping her foot with her arms crossed against her chest.

"We need to get out of here," Rob said as he placed the earpiece back in his ear and glanced from one end of the hall to the other. "What should we do with her?" he asked Jordan, pointing to the door.

"Let her go, but have her followed. She knows who set this up. She's being blackmailed. I'll tell you everything in the car."

Jordan held Molly's hand as Zoe wrapped her arm around her from the other side, attempting to pull her away.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now