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Chapter Two


"I can't believe how calm you are," Zoe said as she stared at Molly, sitting quietly at the airport breakfast bar.

"Why should I be nervous? I'm just getting on a plane with a bag full of expensive, brand new clothes courtesy of the Zoe fund, and flying to Boston to meet Jordan Knight and have dinner with him." Molly took a sip of her coffee as the cup rattled in her hand.

Zoe sighed. "What am I going to do without you for forty-eight hours? I swear you'd better text me every ten minutes with details. I want to know what he's wearing, what he says to you, and how he smells."

"You want me to smell him?" Molly giggled.

"Hells yeah, I want you to smell him. Are you kidding me? If you are going to be close enough to shake his hand, I expect you to take a big whiff of him as well. Hell, I'm sure at some point he will probably hug you. You can smell him then."

Molly started fanning herself with her napkin. "You think he'll hug me? You need to stop right now before I start to hyperventilate."

"There's my girl!" Zoe laughed.

"Okay seriously, he's probably not as nice as he seems. He's probably a player and I'll be done analyzing him within the first ten minutes. Then I'll figure out he's a dick like every other guy, plop in my hotel room, order room service and watch 'The Notebook' on cable."

"You're too funny. You just keep telling yourself that so you stay calm. Just do me a favor before you come home?" Zoe said as she edged closer.

"What's that? You want a picture or maybe a souvenir from the airport?" Molly added sarcastically.

"I want you to grab his ass for me. Just tell him you promised your BFF you'd let her know if it was as tight as it looks."

Molly burst into a roaring laugh. People turned and stared at them.

Inside Molly was a bundle of nerves. On one hand she was calm and cool, after convincing herself he was going to look awful in person and be a total loser. On the other hand, she was scared to death that he was going to be as hot as she thought he would be and that her panties would fall to the floor immediately upon meeting him. How could she let a guy get her so worked up like this? He was just a guy, like any other guy. He was probably sick to death of people getting all caught up in him. She just needed to be cool. Be polite, smile, and thank him without drooling or acting like any of the other weird fans who he was used to meeting. She had all day to get to know him. She could listen and analyze him. She was sure she could find something wrong with him.

"Do you think he'll sing 'The Way You Make Me Feel'?" Zoe asked as she sipped her orSidneye juice.

"Oh God, I hope not," Molly sighed. "If he does I'll crawl over to him and cling to his leg."

"Ha-ha. We both know you will do no such thing. In your mind you will be clinging but you won't move from your chair."

"You never know. Maybe I'll act crazy for once," Molly said with a confident grin.

"But seriously, I want you to do something for me." Zoe said with furrowed brows.

Molly squared her shoulders and looked directly into Zoe's eyes. "Anything. Name it."

"Have fun, stay in the moment, and enjoy yourself. Don't over think things. Go with the flow. Be you, but not so critical."

Molly rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine, no worries!"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now