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SHE WATCHED HIM stuff his things into his bag. She shifted from one foot to another, biting her nail. Last night they'd ordered a pizza after Molly insisted she wanted to keep their relationship quiet until after graduation and after Peter Markum's court date. He called an angry Damien and explained that he would be in New York in plenty of time for the sound check. She tried to study as he flipped through TV channels, but she always caught him staring at her. His intense deep-brown eyes made it hard for her to focus.

They talked about his tour and what he wanted to do next. He told her how he had planned to devote more time to his charity. She talked about school and her internship. They discussed the events leading up to his drugging and racked their brains for motives. They cuddled on the bed and turned out the lights, thinking they'd watch a little of a movie. The next thing she knew, his phone alarm told them it was 5:00 a.m. Disappointment coursed through her veins. She'd wanted to make love to him and give herself to him fully, but now there wasn't any time.

She could feel familiar pangs of ache as she watched him lace up his boots. He straightened his pants with his hands before turning to face her. "Come here," he said, curling his finger toward her.

She rushed to him and hugged him close as she placed her arms around his neck, taking a deep breath, both to steady herself and to remember how he smelled.

"Seven days, four hours, and sixteen minutes," he whispered in her ear.

She nodded, afraid that if she tried to speak, she might cry.

"No opening emails from unknown senders. Just tell Rob," he ordered into her neck.

Again, she nodded.

"Believe nothing you hear unless it comes from Rob or me, please. I'm going to figure out how to make this right."

She tightened her hold on him.

"I know you still have all these questions and concerns inside your brilliant yet over-analytical mind. Try... Please just try to not overanalyze things. Just remember what I said. Please trust me. I swear to you that I love you and only you."

She pulled back and cupped his beautiful, chiseled face in her hands. "I know you do. Thank you for coming here. For fighting for us. For cancelling a concert and disappointing thousands for me. I know how hard that must have been for you."

"I'd do anything to keep you happy and safe. I know I don't deserve you. I know this life I lead is a fucked up mess, but if you'll stick it out, I promise you that I will try to make every chance you take on me worth it with the love and pure devotion I return to you."

She smiled and closed her eyes. "You did it again."

"What?" he asked, kissing her cheek and sniffing her neck.

"Said the perfect thing."

"Hmm..." he whispered.

"You still want me here for Thanksgiving?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"Of course I do. As long as you think you can handle my crazy family. We are definitely not the Knights."

"I look forward to your father skeptically watching my every move, your mother's questions about my intentions with her stunning daughter, and your brothers... Well, I don't know if they're going to hate me for bedding their little sister, or love me for taking you off their hands."

"Probably both," she smiled. "Can I walk you out, or is that bad?" she asked.

"Don't you remember what I said?"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now