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She was sitting in the studio back behind the window again. Besides the hum of voices nearby it was pretty quiet and Jordan was nowhere around. She started feeling lonely so she picked up her phone to call Zoe. She didn't even read her texts first. She had an idea what they might have said. Zoe answered on the first ring.

"Girl... you are so lucky you called me. I am in desperate need of details! I was about to hop on a plane and come find your ass."

It was so good to hear her voice. It seemed like weeks since she'd spoZoe to her.

"Guess who was here today?"

"Derek Hough from Dancing with the Stars? I love him by the way," Zoe said.

"No, not even close," Molly laughed as she stood and poked her head around the corner.

"Hugh Jackman? He's flipping hot!"

Sigh. "Oh jeez Zoe, you'll never guess. It was Bianca King," Molly whispered.

"You're kidding? Wow, did you get to meet her?"

"No, I just saw her standing with her hands all over Jordan."

"Huh, are they dating?"

"I don't know. She was here for a while," Molly said in an agitated voice as she sat back down in her chair.

"Wait, I thought she was married to that producer guy. Oh shit, what's his name?"

"Well the way she was flirting with him, I don't think she'll be married for long." Molly strummed her fingers on her leg as she spoke. She twisted the ring on her right middle finger with her thumb, then flicked her nails as she looked at the ceiling.

"Someone sounds jealous," Zoe said in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah right, I'm not even in the same league as her. How could I be jealous? It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything."

"Oooh... Are you thinking he would make a good boyfriend? You have been dating for hours now."

Leave it to Zoe to make her laugh even when she didn't want to. Molly could hear footsteps approaching. "Hey, I gotta go. Someone's coming. Love you, miss you, talk to you soon!"

"K, later beyotch."

As soon as she ended the call, Jordan came around the corner.

"Boyfriend?" he asked.

"Me? Boyfriend?" She looked down at her phone. He must have heard the love you, miss you thing.

"Oh no, that was my friend, Zoe. She gives me crap if I don't give her frequent updates about how my day is going." Molly fumbled with the phone in her hands and berated herself for feeling nervous around him.

"Hmm..." he said as he folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "So how is your day going?"

"Fantastic, as usual. You're a great date," she said with an over-eager smile that was probably way too big for her face.

"Hmmph, I think you're giving me far too much credit. I've been a lousy date and you know it."

She stood up. "Don't say that. I love this place and everyone here has been so nice. I feel spoiled by all the attention I'm getting."

"You must have ten brothers and sisters to think this is being spoiled."

He pushed his hands into his pockets and adjusted his stance at the door accordingly.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now