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Jordan and Molly strolled all around his neighborhood. He lived in the city but there were so many trees and grassy areas that it felt comfortable to her. The building Jordan lived in had an attached garage and a top-notch security system. He told her that he'd have a key made for her and make sure she had a card and the access codes by the end of the day. Molly couldn't believe she was staying with him. He was very considerate to let her intrude on his privacy. She imagined she had Sidney to thank for her good fortune.

It was about a quarter to eleven when they got back. Jordan opened the door and as they entered, they both stopped in their tracks.

"Hey there, handsome! Hope you don't mind but I let myself in."

A leggy, brunette, with big brown eyes waved from the couch. Her legs started in a short skirt and ended stilettos. They stretched from the couch to rest on his coffee table.

Jordan smiled bigger than Molly had ever seen as he walked over and kissed her cheek. "That's why I gave you a key."

Molly felt like she should run and hide. She felt as if she were intruding on a private moment that she had no business witnessing. So she had a key? Wow, she was beautiful. Molly looked down at her tennis shoes and suddenly felt underdressed and completely insecure.

"Excuse me," she said as she tried to run to her room.

"Wait!" Jordan said. "There's someone important that I want you to meet. Callie, this is my new assistant, Molly. Molly, this is my..."

"Did you say Molly as in Molly Porter?" Callie held out her hand to stop Jordan mid-sentence as she got up and walked toward Molly. "I recognize your name from Jordan's phone." She turned back to Jordan and said, "She called last Sunday while you were in the shower."

Jordan glanced back and forth between Callie and Molly, obviously confused. "You called me?"

Molly could feel her knees begin to weaken. She was right after all. Jordan did have a date and she sounded beautiful because she was beautiful. She had to think quickly, this was ridiculous. "Yes, I accidentally dialed your number by mistake when I went to dial my friend John... um King. I realized I had the wrong number so I apologized and hung up."

"She said it was a wrong number so that's why I didn't bother to tell you. Remember, you were in the shower and I popped my head in to tell you your phone was ringing and you told me to answer it?"

"Yes, I remember..." Jordan stared suspiciously at Molly. Molly could tell by the way he scrutinized her that her demeanor was giving her away.

"Well anyway, it was very nice to meet you Callie. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go."

"It was nice to meet you too!" Callie smiled and waved. Molly noted that she seemed genuinely sweet. She could see why Jordan was in love with her. She was drop dead gorgeous and nice.

Jordan and Callie watched as Molly quickly hightailed it to her room and closed her door. Molly stood with her back to the door. I can do this, it's a job. It is just a job. Molly suddenly felt the urge to grab her phone and call Zoe for support. She looked at the clock, counted two hours back, and sighed. She'd already spoken to Zoe this morning and filled her in on last night. By now, Zoe was probably in the air on her way to Mexico. Molly took a deep breath, grabbed the journal Zoe had given her and wrote her feelings down inside. If she couldn't talk to Zoe, then this would have to do.



Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now