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She woke up at 8 a.m. She slept hard once she was finally able to calm herself down enough to sleep. Did she dream all that? Was he really here? Was she really going to see him again today? Did she really grab his butt last night?

She turned over and buried her head in the pillow. For a brief moment, she thought he might kiss her. What an idiot. She must have looked like a lost little puppy staring up at his lips. Then he kissed her cheek. He must have felt sorry for her. But he did kiss her cheek. That was something. His lips were soft, gentle and warm. This was not supposed to happen. She was supposed to leave hating him, not wanting more of him.

She sat on the ledge in the shower and let the hot water wash over her. She was going to go back home and forget all about this. Someday, she would hear a song of his and would smile as she fondly remembered the time she spent in Boston because of a silly little contest. Yep, she could see it now. She could totally forget him.

I mean, he's nice and everything, but he's just okay-looking. His hair is messy and he wears that dumb cap all the time. He isn't really that funny. I mean sure, he made me laugh, but I'm easy-going. I laugh at dumb YouTube videos all the time. It was no different. I'll go back to the dorm, call my mom, grab a chicken salad from the grill, and hit the books hard. I have finals to think about. I don't need to worry about some crooner from Boston. Yep, that's how it'll be. She was sure of it.

She stepped out of the bathroom confident in her decision. She walked over to the bed and her whole stupid plan came crashing down as she saw the black Jordan Knight t-shirt she had worn last night. She picked it up and attempted to quickly stuff it in her bag when she caught the smell of him.

He was beautiful. He made her laugh. He was sexy and talented and fun and funny and everything she had ever wanted rolled into one incredible, untouchable, unreachable man. She was lost. Her life was going to suck without him.

Her phone beeped with a text from Zoe.

Zoe: You okay?

Molly: Not really.

Zoe: I know you are super sad that your time in Boston is over and that you're never going to see him again, but I'll be there for you girl. It'll be okay.

Molly: I just hope I can get through breakfast with him without crying.


Just then her phone rang. She went through all the details of her day with him and what had happened after they had hung up last night.

"That's amazing. Why are you so sad?" Zoe asked with concern.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just going to miss him, that's all," Molly pouted as she walked to the window and ran her finger over the glass, squishing people she saw on the ground like they were bugs.

"What time is he coming to get you?"

"Shit!" She pulled the phone away from her ear and checked the time. "I have to go. He's going to be here in thirty minutes and I'm nowhere near presentable."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight. Give him a kiss for me."

"Don't even start... Bye."

She rushed around the room in a fury. She only had one outfit left that was comfortable: leggings and an oversized sweater. She decided it looked best with the boots and put them back on. Her hair was in waves, but there was no time to straighten it, so she let it go free. She looked okay enough. She popped her contacts in and quickly applied some makeup. Just her standard, no time for Zoe tricks today.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now