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MOLLY HAD MANAGED to convince a reluctant Zoe to go to her morning classes on the pretense that Molly would sleep the entire time she was gone. She'd tried to close her eyes and give in to the pull, but the thoughts kept churning in her head. She wondered what excuse she would give her parents as to why Jordan wasn't coming to Thanksgiving dinner, assuming they hadn't seen the pictures of him online. Molly felt the bile rising in her throat. She hadn't eaten anything in twenty-four hours. There couldn't possibly be anything left.

She'd decided to skip both her classes for the day. She'd never missed a class before. Even in her sophomore year when she had the flu, she went to class. He'd really done a number on her. She knew she needed to pull herself together somehow, but the thought of her life without him sent her spiraling into a black hole of depression.

Her entire body ached, including every strand of hair. Since it was obvious she wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon, Molly figured a shower might at least help the physical pain. She grabbed her supplies and slowly opened her door, praying Rob wouldn't try to speak to her. He didn't say a word, although she could tell he wanted to.

Molly heard Zoe arguing with him around noon, but covered her ears to avoid hearing Jordan's name. Molly had let her phone battery die out so she wouldn't have to think about Jordan trying to call her anymore. By now, he should have just given up. He and Allison must have had a good laugh over how pathetic she was.

Zoe brought her some soup and coffee, and she managed a few sips of both. She spent the day either yelling or crying. By 4:00 p.m. she'd finally cried herself to sleep.

When Zoe shook her arm at eleven the next morning, Molly rolled over and smiled as the lull from sleep stripped her of her memory. Within seconds, her smile faded as her reality came crashing down around her. The tightness in her chest returned as her head pounded with what could only be described as a crying hangover. Zoe rubbed her back gently.

"Hey, Molly, how'd you sleep?"

Molly took a deep breath and tried to steady herself enough to act like she was tougher than she really was. Zoe had spent the night and must have slept on the floor, judging by the pillows and blankets in the corner.

"Good. I don't think I dreamt. So, yeah, good."

"I didn't know if I should wake you for class or not. I didn't want to let you sleep through and have you pissed off when you woke up."

Molly shifted and planted her feet on the floor. "No. I need to go to class. It's all I have now."

"Hey, you have me!" Kendra said as she smiled warmly.

"I know. Thank you for staying with me. I don't know what I'd do if you stopped loving me too." Molly took several quick breaths as the tears came again. She was an emotional train wreck.

"Don't say things like that! I'll be your sister 'till the day I die. You and I will be playing Scrabble and eating Ho Hos in our nursing home together. I'll push your IV, and you'll remind me what my name is when I forget."

Molly huffed out a small laugh before she sobbed uncontrollably, bent at the waist, covering her eyes with her hands.

Zoe sat next to her, and Molly rested her head on her lap as Zoe stroked her hair. "Hey, don't cry! I promise not to eat all the Ho Hos, and you know I suck at Scrabble. Unless I get an F and can spell words like fuck, or fucking, or fucker."

Molly's shoulders lifted as she laughed. "Ugh... Why can't I stop crying?" She stood and threw her pillow against the door.

"That's good! Mad is better than sad. Get mad, Molly!"

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now