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They walked into her room and all she could think about was whether or not he was a good kisser. She caught herself staring at his mouth on more than one occasion, and she mentally reprimanded herself for it. She so badly wanted to kiss him. Something told her that one kiss from him would never be enough. Who was she kidding? He wouldn't be interested in someone like her.

"Well, what do ya think?" she said as she tossed her purse on the table and her phone fell out.

"Not too bad. I think we could have done better." He laughed as he shoved his hand in his pocket and ran the other through his hair.

"I bet you've stayed in a lot of nice places, huh?"

"Some nice, some not so nice. I could tell you some stories..."

Just then her phone started blaring "Come Get It Bae," by Pharrell Williams. Damn, she'd forgotten to turn it off. She hit the vibrate switch and set it down.

"Do you need to get that?" he asked as he pointed to the phone.

"No, it's just my friend Zoe expecting a full report on my day with you."

"Zoe? The music major? Mind if I answer?" he asked as he pointed to the phone.

Oh my God... "No, not at all. She'll be blown away."

She watched as he slid the answer button and put Zoe on speakerphone.

"You'd better answer my fucking call you bitch! Where have you been all day? I almost had to run to the store for another bag of Doritos. Don't you know I'm dying here waiting for some details on that fine piece of ass?"

Molly immediately covered her face with her hands. Did she just call him a fine piece of ass? She was going to kill her.

"Hey Zoe, how are you? It's the fine piece of ass reporting in for Molly."

Silence. Dead silence. Jordan shrugged and playfully licked his lips. And then the fireworks went off.

"Well, hello there fine piece of ass!" Zoe said. "I hope you've been treating my best friend to the time of her life. You know I worship the ground she walks on!"

She should have known Zoe wouldn't be shy.

"The time of her life? I'm not so sure about that, but she did get few good sniffs in," Jordan said with a smile.

Zoe laughed. "Did she grab your ass for me yet?"

Molly almost slid under the table.

"Um, no... not yet." His eyes flashed with wonder as he tilted his head to one side and his lips curled into a smile. "Was that something she was supposed to report back to you on?" He leaned onto the table and turned his head toward Molly, brandishing a flirtatious smile that set her skin on fire.

"Yes, I asked her to report back on how you smell, which by the way I heard was orgasmic, and then I asked her to let me know if your ass felt as tight as it looks in pictures."

Molly could see her life pass before her eyes as the words flew into the air from Zoe's voice on the phone. They seemed to have a life of their own as they swirled around and seeped into her brain. She could feel her heart stop beating and death approaching fast. Jordan gave her the sexiest smile she had ever seen as he stood up and turned around, pushing his backside toward her.

"Okay, well she hasn't touched it yet, Zoe, but I've now turned my back to her and lifted up my shirt for her to grab away. She looks as white as a ghost right now so she may need a little encouragement from you to do the deed."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now