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She climbed the stairs with Callie to change out of their wet clothes before dinner. Callie took off her towel and started to dry her hair. That's when Molly saw the scar on her wrist. Molly's eyes grew as she studied it and then she looked away quickly to not draw attention. Callie's head shot up and she caught Molly looking at her then looking away.

"You saw it, didn't you?" she asked.

"Saw what?" Molly tried to play innocent.

"The scar, on my wrist." Callie held it up and pointed to it, giving Molly a clear view.

Molly examined Callie's face trying to decide what her answer should be.

"It's okay. You can ask me about it. I'm surprised Jordan hasn't told you."

"Told me what?"

"That I tried to kill myself." Callie studied Molly's face, waiting for a response, but Molly remained reactionless.

At school, Molly had dealt with a couple of students who had talked about trying to take their lives. She listened and tried to help as best she could with her limited experience, ultimately calling her director to get advice. One student had shot himself on campus and Molly and the rest of the team had spent days talking to students who needed help trying to understand why he did it.

"No, Jordan didn't say a thing." Molly replied. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." She smiled sincerely, trying to be considerate and respectful of whatever Callie had been through.

Callie sat on the corner of her bed and sighed as she gripped her towel in her hands, staring at it intently. "You're a counselor at school, right?"

"Sort of. I'm more of an advisor, but I'm a pretty good listener and I think I've helped a few people." Molly laid her towel down on the floor and sat next to Callie on the bed.

"Did anyone there ever try to kill themselves?" Callie asked.

"A couple of people talked about it, but they got help and got better."

"I got help too," she said with a shy smile. "I'm fine now. I just had a hard time after everything."

Molly nodded but didn't know what to say.

"Jordan really didn't tell you?"

"Nope," Molly said as she shook her head. "Jordan has never spoken to me about anything like this."

"Do you want to know why I did it?" Callie asked, eyeing Molly cautiously.

"If you want to tell me."

Callie sighed and scooted down to the floor near Molly. "My therapist said it's good for me to talk about it. She said it helps me realize I have the power over it and not it over me."

"Callie, I'm always here if you want to talk. We're friends."

Callie smiled as Molly took her hand. Callie took a deep breath. Her eyes found Molly's then lowered back down to the floor. "Okay, give me a sec and bear with me." She took a steadying breath and smiled briefly, although the smile didn't touch her eyes. "When I was nine, almost ten, we lived in a close-knit neighborhood. You know, the kind where everyone knows everyone?"

Molly nodded.

"My family knew and hung out with almost every other family on our block. The kids played together and the adults would come over for dinner and drinks." She swallowed hard before she continued.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now