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HER PHONE STARTED buzzing at 5:00 a.m. and continued non-stop. At one point, Zoe piled multiple shirts around it and shoved it to the back of Molly's closet. Molly swore she could still hear it. She wondered if he was trying to call her. Maybe he knew he'd been caught. What could he say to explain this lie? As the night inched forward and Molly became overwrought with utter and complete exhaustion, she prayed for sleep that would never come. In her state of mind, things twisted and turned, sometimes becoming clearer but mostly more obscure.

Paranoia set in as she began to imagine that the reason Jordan wanted to keep their relationship out of the press was because he was ashamed of her. Then she started to wonder if Jordan had sent Peter after her because she was interfering with his relationship with Allison. Maybe he wanted her gone. Maybe Rob was sent to finish the job when no one was looking.

Molly's temperature fluctuated from boiling hot to freezing cold, but even in her crazed state, she was able to comprehend that her temperature had everything to do with Zoe's location. At 7:00 a.m., Molly managed to hike herself over Zoe without waking her.

Molly glanced at herself in the mirror on her door. She was still wearing her hair in a ponytail, although after tossing and turning for much of the night, she looked like a psychopath. Her hair was mangled around her head like she'd teased it into multiple eruptions. She stared at her reflection. Who was the girl in the mirror, and where had Molly Porter gone?

Molly knew the answer to that. The girl in the mirror was just another name on Jordan Knight's long list of mistakes. The Molly Porter before him was gone. She'd let her go the minute she gave him her heart.

She wondered if any of his prior pain was even real. Did he feel bad for hurting Tessa or Summer? Or underneath it all, was she just unable to see that he was truly selfish?

Molly sat for a few minutes in complete silence and closed her eyes. She'd never realized it before, but silence was deafening. When no other sounds can be heard but the beating of your heart, you're forced into hearing what it's trying to tell you. Sometimes those beats can be louder than any words ever spoken and mean so much more.

A moment later, Molly heard the faint buzzing of her phone in her closet. She slid down into her chair, pulling her eyes from the closet to her laptop. Someone had taken great pleasure in sending Molly the pictures. They had to have known it would kill her inside. Who would want to hurt her so badly? She remembered the message they'd thought had come from Peter Markum. "He'll kill you, one way or another." Boy, wasn't that the fucking truth.

Her phone buzzed again. Molly started to wonder if it was just her imagination. She stretched her arm into the closet and yanked it from the clothes it was nestled between. She had forty-seven messages and eighty missed calls. All from Jordan.

Molly felt a tear slip down her cheek as she stared at the screen. What could he possibly have to say to her in forty-seven different ways? If she heard him say he was sorry, she'd scream. His apologies could never justify the damage he'd done.

She didn't want to cry any more. She was surprised there were even tears left. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could she have convinced herself that, somehow, a famous musician could ever fall for a girl like her? Maybe he secretly liked the chase. Maybe he needed more than she could give him. Maybe she was never enough to hold him in the first place. The phone buzzed in her hands with another call from him. She gasped, as it surprised her. Zoe rolled over and blinked at Molly holding the phone in her hands.

"Don't you even think about it!" Zoe flew out of bed and snatched the phone from Molly's hands just as it stopped buzzing.

"I wasn't going to answer it."

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now