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Molly glared at herself in front of the bathroom mirror in her third outfit. She had no idea what to wear to Jordan's parents' house. He had told her to wear something comfortable and that it didn't matter. That was easy for a man to say. She took a selfie and sent it to Zoe.

Zoe: Nope. I like the second one the best. You'll be fine. Just be you. Be strong. GTG XOXO

The second one? Molly went back through the pictures she had sent Zoe. It figured that Zoe liked the summer dress best. It was pretty. It was casual, but not too casual, dressy but not over-dressy. Yep, she would wear option number two. She could always count on Zoe's taste.

After Molly's breakdown and subsequent breakthrough, Zoe and Sidney had been lifesavers. Molly knew she needed some time away from Jordan to get herself together and she ended up confiding in Sidney that she had feelings for him that she didn't want to have. Sidney completely understood her need for space and after promising it was their secret, she helped Molly distance herself. By Friday afternoon, Sidney had told her that she couldn't cover for her forever and that she could see Jordan was starting to wonder what was going on.

Zoe was a big help too. Molly had felt bad for laying so much on her and she was worried Zoe would tell her she was being silly, but Zoe totally understood. She said she could see Molly's point and would support any and all decisions she made. If she wanted to just be his friend, that was cool. If she changed her mind, that was cool too. Molly had felt stronger day by day. She had really reached inside herself and tried to look at the big picture. She realized that she could not stop caring for Jordan, but that she needed to come to grips with the fact that they would never be more than friends and that she might have to stop trying to put his puzzle together, for her own sake.

She had finally gotten the courage to talk to him on Saturday and she almost lost her resolve within minutes. A week's worth of self-diagnosis and introspection had almost gone out the window with a simple, 'Are you talking to me again?'

When he had said that he was hurt, Molly felt her heart being ripped in two. One thing became crystal clear to her in that conversation: Jordan had a need to fix things and she wasn't sure why. She tried to look at him as a project, but she felt more invested in him, his needs, and his wants than she had ever felt with any school report. It was hard to pull herself away from him. She even tried to think of herself as an addict. If she were being treated with an addiction, what course would a doctor recommend?

The fact was, no matter how hard she tried, she knew in her heart that what she felt for him was not an addiction. It was something else. As she attempted to deny her feelings for him she turned to the Internet to remind herself of the stages of denial. When none of that worked, she decided that she couldn't control her feelings. That she needed to embrace the changes in herself as Sidney had said and hope for the best. It was a daily struggle and going with him to meet his parents was messing with her thoughts once again. Jordan had told her that he knew his parents would love her. She questioned in her mind why he wanted her to meet his parents and then came to the conclusion that it was simply that he wanted company and nothing more. She wasn't his date, she was his buddy. She could be a buddy. She could totally be a buddy. That was her mantra for the day, "I am a buddy."

"Molly, almost ready?" he asked after rapping his knuckles lightly on her door.

"Almost, five more minutes." Molly slipped on her dress and fluffed her hair. She had left it semi wavy but curled the edges. Hopefully, it would hold up in the humidity. She stuffed a hair tie in her purse as backup along with a tube of lipstick. She slipped on wedge sandals before taking one last look in the mirror and heading out. The summer dress was iris blue and off the shoulder which required a strapless bra. It went just above her knees with a slim tie at the waist. Molly hoped Zoe was right when she said it was more sweet than sexy. It was now or never. Molly grabbed her phone and stuffed it in her purse as she made her way out her door and into the kitchen.

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now