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ONCE THE NEWS of their engagement hit the press, Molly became the instant obsession of Jordan's fans. They wanted to know everything about her. She had to resign her position as RA in her dorm. There was no way she could fulfill her duties with her newfound role as Jordan Knight's fiancée. She didn't mind. The internship was challenging and she needed the extra time to focus on her projects at work and her last few courses at the University.

She moved into the condo, and Jake spent his time flying between Chicago and Boston, helping Molly with wedding plans.  They attended the Star Wars premiere together in March.

While Jordan was being interviewed on the red carpet, Molly watched him in admiration. She was so proud of him and who he was. She was proud to be his. Jordan didn't shy away from talking about her or having his picture taken with her at his side. He always held her hand and put her first. He was protective and loving every second they were together.

Molly completed her internship in May. The company loved the free press they received by employing her. Jordan's mother offered Molly a low-level position at her consulting firm in Boston upon her graduation. Molly asked that she be treated the same as any other new hire. She didn't want special treatment from anyone.

Jordan attended her graduation ceremony and took pictures with her friends from school and anyone else who asked. She and Zoe threw their caps in the air and screamed together when they announced their graduating class.

Zoe had decided that if she wanted to score films, the best place for her to pursue a career would be Boston. She told Molly there was no way she could let her plan a wedding without her expert advice on style and fashion. It didn't hurt that Rob lived in Boston. He still employed all of Jordan's security, through Dave, of course. They thought they might see where dating would take them now that he no longer worked directly for Jordan, although their relationship was another story altogether.

Dave and Sydney seemed content together. Sydney managed Jordan's life even better than she had assisted it. Gina had agreed to become her new assistant, promising not to give her brother a hard time. Sydney advised her with a wink to Molly that she had some large shoes to fill.

Gina and Zoe didn't get along quite as well. Gina apparently had flirted with Rob on New Year's Eve, and Zoe instantly disliked her from that moment on. Their budding animosity was enough to keep Madi on her toes. It didn't help that Gina had a thing for Rob.

Jordan and Molly took their time planning the wedding. When Molly moved to Boston they decided to go house hunting. Jordan's building held too many memories, and he wanted Murphy and his future children to have a yard to play in.

They decided to build their dream home, complete with a recording studio and dual offices for both of them. They moved in two weeks before the wedding.

Zoe and Jordan's mom helped them with the décor. The house was stunning and everything Molly had ever dreamed of. Jordan was even more.

They decided to get married on New Year's Eve, one year from the date he proposed. They went the traditional route and became members of St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Boston. Molly fell in love with the stained glass windows, and Jordan would never refuse her.

The night before the wedding, Jordan placed his overnight bag by the door.

"You're really kicking me out?" he asked playfully.

"It's tradition. You're not supposed to see me before the wedding."

"Hmm... It's only ten. I still have two hours. Is there anything you'd like to do?" he asked as he placed small kisses up and down her neck.

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