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THE DAY AND night passed by too quickly. Molly found herself in a familiar position behind the curtain at his concert in Boston. The last time she'd been there had been a totally different experience. This time, she was able to watch him from backstage, knowing he was hers. Rob stood a fair distance away from her, but she knew he was watching her every move and the move of everyone around her. She didn't mind. If Jordan trusted him, then so did she. She was glad he was there. Especially after her nightmare.

Molly felt an arm slide under hers as Sidney came to stand along side of her.

"I think he's better when you're here," she said.

"You think?" Molly asked as a smile lit up her face.

"There's something about the way he sings when you're with him. It's like every song has more meaning. I think you may be his muse."

Molly laughed. "It's good to be here again. I forgot how much I love this place."

"We love having you, dear," Sidney said with a smile and a side hug.

"How have you been, Sidney?"

"Oh, I'm good. Tour is getting a little old for me. I'm tired and I miss my assistant. It's nice having another girl to talk to."

"I miss you, too. Australia tomorrow?"

"Yes. I've never been. Should be nice. As long as I don't see any spiders or bugs, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself."

Molly laughed at the concerned expression on Sidney's face. Her smile turned downward as she remembered she and Jordan would soon be on opposite sides of the planet.

"You'll take care of him, right?"

Sidney turned and smiled. "I always do. No need for you to ever worry. And this thing, with this Allison girl? All smoke she's blowing out her rear. No truth to it at all. I'm practically with Jordan every second of the day. If he's not talking about you, he's singing. Don't you worry your pretty little head."

Molly smiled as a calm overtook her. "You know I love you, Sidney."

Sidney patted her hand. "I know you do, dear. I'm just that kind of gal."

Molly smiled as she heard Jordan begin to speak.

"There's this new song I've been working on, and I'd like to run it by you tonight. See how you like it? What do you think?"

The crowd cheered and Molly had to focus to hear him. A new song? He hadn't said a word...

Jordan spoke again, and Molly strained to hear him over the crowd. "This is 'Saving Grace.'"

Sidney smiled at her. "It's a special night for him. I'm pretty sure this one's for you."

The music began to play, and Molly felt her insides turn to mush. He glanced behind him in her direction and winked. Molly had to steady herself. How could he possibly want her? This had to be a dream.

There are moments in your life

When the darkness seems to linger

Right in front of you

And you can't get through

There are times when you think

That the pain is all that's living

Deep inside of you

It becomes your truth

I was living in the past,

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now