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"What did you say?"

Molly had replayed the question in her mind repeatedly. When Jordan had asked her, her mind initially went to the gutter and she thought about the condoms Zoe had packed in her suitcase. Then she realized that he meant instead of staying with Sidney, how about you just stay at my place for the night. That made way more sense and Molly was glad she had broken that code before she embarrassed herself yet again. Molly had tried to give Jordan a way out of it, but he insisted. He said he had plenty of room and it wouldn't be a problem at all. By the time the fire department had let Sidney into her house and she was able to get her clothes and some personal items, it was almost ten at night. Jordan drove them back to the studio and waited for Sidney's sister to arrive before he turned back to Molly.

"Some night, huh?"

"You know, you didn't have to go to all this trouble just to be alone with me." Molly elbowed him in his ribs and laughed.

"Well, you know I do have contacts. I called God and asked him if he could drop a tree on Sidney's house for me so I had an excuse to get you back to my place."

"Yeah, that's what I figured." Molly smiled at Jordan and he ran his hands through his hair. He stopped when he got to the pile of luggage outside the conference room.

He turned to Molly and threw his hands in the air, "Seriously?"

"I blame Zoe. You wouldn't believe me if I tried."

"You surprised me last time when you only had a carry-on. This is more what I would have expected from a girl."

"I may have over-packed, but Zoe insisted that I bring it all."

"I see," Jordan said as he leaned on the door. "Well, when we get back to my place we'll have to open it up and go through the standard baggage check. It's a requirement to stay at my place."

Molly's face dropped and she began to think about all the lacy panties Zoe had packed, the red lingerie and the box of condoms. She went into panic mode. "No! You can't go through my bags. I could just stay at a hotel, right? That would be fine. I'm sure there's a room available somewhere."

Jordan let out a huge belly laugh. "I was kidding! But I have to say, I'm extremely curious what's in there that you so desperately don't want me to see."

Molly's face went from panic, to relief and then straight to aggravation. "You know, you would think that after twenty years of dealing with my father's razzing, and my brothers' constant teasing, that I would be able to recognize when you were simply tormenting me."

"Well I didn't want to tell you earlier, but now that you mention it, you are really easy to tease. You may need to work on that. I know this girl who's good with helping people. I might be able to get you an appointment. There must be an underlying issue with your self-esteem or something."

"You think you know me so well, don't you?"

"Actually, I haven't been able to figure you out at all. And believe me, I've given it quite a bit of thought."

The sincerity with which he expressed himself and the look in his eyes made Molly catch her breath. Had he really tried to figure her out? "I'm an open book," she said.

"If you were a book, I'd be able to read you," he said with a smile.

Something told her his book would be one she'd never want to put down.



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